I hate to ask but is it possible to post old pay rates as well. I'm out in Houston and would like to visually see the changes. I'm most interested in Level 2 position pay rates. Thanks!
I will have to get the sheet and post the old pay rates. The first colum is not the old rate but I will get it and post it soon.
Em wrote:
I hate to ask but is it possible to post old pay rates as well. I'm out in Houston and would like to visually see the changes. I'm most interested in Level 2 position pay rates. Thanks!
I work as a Dallas frozen food manager (write schedule, plan and order for displays, run department) I have worked for Kroger for 20 years. Why do they have to make it so hard, just tell me what the h I am going to be making an hour or give me a web address that I can get the info from home using my kroger info.
Due to my error this is what the old rates was before the
current agreement with kroger and local 1000
comes out to .90 over four years for level 1 and $1 for level 3,4,
fuel clerks and red circle for the 4 years.
Department heads got .71, 1.06 and 1.41 raises to start and the rest of their rate will be raised up to match the Houston Rates when their contract is done.
level 1
courtesy clerks
level 2 clerks old rate
start 7.25
9 months 7.25
18 months 7.25
27 months 7.25
36 months 7.25
42 months 7.25
48 months 7.25
54 months 7.25
57 months & thereafter 9.30
Level 3 clerks old rates
start 7.25
6 months 7.25
12 months 7.25
18 months 7.25
24 months 7.70
36 months 8.20
48 months 8.70
54 months 9.25
60 months 9.60
66 months & thereafter 12.15
Red circle full time clerks
hired before 1990 14.40
Level 4 positions
key positions one 40 hour
cash office, dairy, frozen
food. SOA, cake decorator,
reciever,file clerk, floral
attendant and marketplace 12.25
Department heads
1st year Under 500K w/o rx and fuel 14.99
2nd year 500k-750k w/o rx and fuel 15.14
3rd year over 750k w/o rx and fuel 15.29
Fuel clerks
step 1 7.60
step 2 7.85
step 3 8.10
step 4 8.35
step 5 8.50
step 6 9.00
Em wrote:
I hate to ask but is it possible to post old pay rates as well. I'm out in Houston and would like to visually see the changes. I'm most interested in Level 2 position pay rates. Thanks!
I do appoloze but I did not post the old rates but have now. they settled for $1 over 4 years. nothing for level 1 and lecvel 2 got .90 over the 4 years.Department heads ranged from .71 to 1.41 right away and their next rates tied to what Houston gets. Union did a bad job on this one.
Courtesy clerk for 6 months, no pay raise. Utility clerk for 6 months, no pay raise. And once I moved to the fuel center, I finally got a 10¢ raise. Pretty sure I'm still getting scrwed.
other things that changes was they once had 3 no calls/no shows was termination but now it is 2 days in a row or 3 days in 6 months is termination. any write ups was for 6 months and now 12 months. They got a bad deal but the pension holidays will come back to haunt them in the end. Just hop[e they do not try to push the same crap onto 455 in houston. Dallas clerks just got a raw deal from the local here.
cost of living and doing business is differant in other states. Then you have to look at some states are right to work and others closed shop states.
Now if the union sux that bad then you can always try working at wal mart and see then just how bad it is. Union is only as strong as its members.
Or even better It's called fepare. Spelling completey wrong but you pretty much work for the company with no union benefits and pay less union dues (a lot less)...
yeah that';s worthless but they ALWAYS agree to whatever piece of crap contract is thrown at them. it's because the people who have been at krogers forever don't care and will sign anything. as long as they dont have to do any work and get top dollar in their department they will agree to whatever the union sends their way
our contract doesnt say anything about "steps" or "levels" it simply shows the number of months you've been with the company. There are a few differences for those who have been hired under different old contracts (who make more money/do less work)