Meat cutters make the most $ in a store next to the managerial positions. Read: they are typically the highest paid people who are not officially managers. Meat cutting is a skill, and you have to go through an apprenticeship to become a butcher. Think about it: you have slabs of beef. If you're dumb and make dumb moves, you end up with a lot of dead-loss from not cutting the meat properly. You have to learn how to maximize your cuts for sales. You also have to make sure things get sold on time.
If you work in like seafood, that does fall under the meat dept., and they may pay a little less since you might not be cutting meat; or at least handling it in a the same capacity as a butcher. It might be a good position though.
If you want to be a butcher, make sure that you're willing to commit some serious time to the store/corporation. If you quit in an abrupt way, or show that you didn't care, you can burn a bridge with that company and its not good for your job history. It costs them a lot to train you, so they want a good return on their investment. It's kind of like how the Navy or AF makes pilots commit to a few extra years after they train and qualify; they've invested heavily into you, & you have to pay them back.