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Post Info TOPIC: I did not get a postion cause of seniority!

I did not get a postion cause of seniority!

Okay so heres the deal..

We have been out of a produce manager for about 4 months now, me and the assistant produce manager have been running the dept. Well I have been acting manager ever since the main produce manager left. I got Key retailing started and passed. I have done the produce orders, perishable inventories, price changes, signs, and tags, Kepping the dept running. (managing the department.)

So I talked to the assistant produce manager about stepping down cause I have been doing all the work and he couldn't handle it. He his retiring soon and not staying much longer with the company. So he agreed with me and turned his resignation letter to store managment. So the moment from which the assistant produce manager steped down I was told I was the new assistant produce manager. I was even promised the position before he steped down.

So now I am officially doing all the work remind you our dept head is still out so I am basically acting as the produce manger, doing all the orders, Key Retailing, making the schedule, all the paper work stuff.

So later on I here that someone else put in for the postion after I turned in my paper for the postion and I have been running the dept all myself for a while now.

Well the dude that put in for it was a transfer from another store, he was an assistant produce manager at his other store but transferd here has the frozen lead. He has been at my store for not even a year but been with the company for a while, so i here.

I have been with kroger for 5 1/2 years, same store. I have been in grocery, frozen, dary, front end, produce, scan file, and most reccent natural foods ADP. I have also been the stores CAO coordinator, when we had the position at stores.

So anyways the store manager pulls me in his office and says I have been doing an outstanding job running the dept, tells me sales are up from last year and my shrink has been averaging 6.7%. Then hell tells me the bad news he says I didnt get the job cause the frozen dude has more seniority over me!! I said what the hell do you mean, I have been doing the job for free and have been doing a great job at. You kick me to the curb by putting an outsider in our dept.

He said he has done eveything he could do to get me in the spot, said he talked to his people and called HR but they told him he has more time than me and he know how to do the job. He has more seniority than me. He said if he had it his way he would have me in the postion in a heart beat, but by union contract he has to give the postion to him cause of seniority.

I told him " its your store" not the unions. Managers are given the responsibility and right to interview, screen, hire, evaluate, promote and terminate employees. The manager has the right to set employee work schedules, performance standards and policies; give verbal or written warnings; and redefine job descriptions based on the needs of the company. I dont see how this can be.... I told him I feel like i have been screwed.

a promotion ought to be based on sustained performance and potential. As promotion means performing at a level higher than the current one, the incumbent needs to have the ability to perform at a higher level, i.e., potential. Meanwhile, he also needs to have demonstrated track record of sustained performance in his current level. It's risky for a business to consider promotion for someone who couldn't demonstrate good performance in his current role. What's the guarantee that he'll perform well once he's promoted? So, sustained performance in current role with demonstrations of potentials to performed at higher/enriched role should be criteria for promotion.

80% merit and 20% seniority.
Buecause if you promote on the basis of seniority the quality of work could not be maintained as everyone knew that after a certain period of time he/she will be promotion to the next cadre.
if a Promotion Policy based on the Merit it will be more fruitful


Is there anything I can do to fight for whats mine?

We have been out of a produce manager for about 4 months now, me and the assistant produce manager have been running the dept. Well I have been acting manager ever since the main produce manager left. I got Key retailing started and passed. I have done the produce orders, perishable inventories, price changes, signs, and tags, Kepping the dept running. (managing the department.)

So I talked to the assistant produce manager about stepping down cause I have been doing all the work and he couldn't handle it. He his retiring soon and not staying much longer with the company. So he agreed with me and turned his resignation letter to store managment. So the moment from which the assistant produce manager steped down I was told I was the new assistant produce manager. I was even promised the position before he steped down.

So now I am officially doing all the work remind you our dept head is still out so I am basically acting as the produce manger, doing all the orders, Key Retailing, making the schedule, all the paper work stuff.

So later on I here that someone else put in for the postion after I turned in my paper for the postion and I have been running the dept all myself for a while now.

Well the dude that put in for it was a transfer from another store, he was an assistant produce manager at his other store but transferd here has the frozen lead. He has been at my store for not even a year but been with the company for a while, so i here.

I have been with kroger for 5 1/2 years, same store. I have been in grocery, frozen, dary, front end, produce, scan file, and most reccent natural foods ADP. I have also been the stores CAO coordinator, when we had the position at stores.

So anyways the store manager pulls me in his office and says I have been doing an outstanding job running the dept, tells me sales are up from last year and my shrink has been averaging 6.7%. Then hell tells me the bad news he says I didnt get the job cause the frozen dude has more seniority over




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your getting bs,ed.  management has the ONLY say in who gets positions In store. It doesn't go over his head,

also senority means jack, if all things are equal. unless he has more EXPERIANCE in your area, his senority does nothing.

experiance beats senority.

I,ve seen this happen a lot in my time. happened to me a couple of times. had a bakery chick, take my kitchen top spot.

You can try the union, but they will probibly fall back on the senority excuse, to avoid hastle.

really, what i would honestly do, let them give guy the spot.

DON'T HELP HIM! let him fall flat on his face. do your job, nothing more. you help him out, you will forever be a back up, doing the wrok, while a figure head takes your glory.

it sucks, it really does, and i feel for you, but it's the way kroger works



Believe me I am not helping him one bit.

I am going to do what I can just to get by on my day.

My coworkes in that dept are really pissed that I didn't get the job so they told me they are going to stop working so much and make him look bad so that they can see how they ****ed up.

The great this is, is that he was an assistant produce manager right before they started the Key Retailing and all the paperwork jazz, so good luck on that. I am going to work my 18 hours in nutrition every week and just put up the truck. No tags, no making signs, no paperwork. he wants to do it then he's going to do it all.

Managment offered me to take the frozen lead, I'm thinking I should take it so that I could not be put in a postion to help him at all. I know the dept would fall on its face if I wasn't there.  I just hate the cold.

Also the part timers in my dept are major pissed that hours have to get super cut now that there is another full timer in there. lets see, 5 full timers, 4 part timers and a budget of 258 hrs a week, yea.  

You all think I should take the frozen and move aeay from the produce to aovid him?





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dude that blows majorly and i feel your pain!  nothing worse than working your ass off for several months then to loose the reward.

i got my union contract book right here.  it does say that the manager's position of a GROCERY related department must be offered to the person with most seniority. then it says something about how they gotta learn to be a cashier w/in 30 days blah blah blah...

i don't see this as a grocery related department. you might want to ask about that?  anyway, you got a choice.  to take frozen or stay where you are at and sabotage things


I am no longer part of the oppressed, evil workforce of Kroger!  Can you say "Hallelujah"  



Well I talked to managment again this morning. I told him how I felt about about it and he agreed with me, I got screwed. I told him I still believe thats its up to the store managers discretion. He swears up and down that if he had it his way I would be the assistant produce manager. He asked me if i wanted him to email the situation about senority to HR, I said yes please and I want to see the reply, he agreed to do that.

So frozen dude is coming over next week and I might move over to frozen as the lead. Alot of people are pissed about this, saying I got a raw deal. Even the Drug/GM manager was upset about it and I barely know her. People that have been there since it was hannaford told me that is ****ed up.

So the manager says I will be getting payed compensation from 10/2/11 till 10/22/11 for filling in officially has the assistant produce manager. I believe that is .50 cent raise and $35.00 a week the manager is out. The funny thing is, is that I have only seen a .25 cent raise on my last pay stub ending on week 10/8/11.

He told me that if I take the frozen lead that he could get me something around $1.80 raise, not sure if he meant that ontop of my .50 cent raise or just flat out. I know leads get a min .50 cent raise. I just hate the cold so much, lol.

right now I am just worried about pay comp and pay raise.



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Do you know how much crap the transfer had to go through to finally get a chance at a dept head position? Probably not. He probably had to jump through the same hoops to get a peice of the pie and he has been doing so LONGER than you.

So whats your answer? LAY DOWN ON HIM! Decided to do as little as possible and hope he fails? Screw you, you peice of crap. I hope if you get position that all the people under you decide to be JUST LIKE YOU and do their best to help you FAIL.

Ever think that if you continue to be a good, ethical and consistent example to others that YES you will be rewarded? Your manager seems to see good things in you. I guess he was wrong.

People like you are the main reason that it sucks to work at Kroger.



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Mynameisjames wrote:

Do you know how much crap the transfer had to go through to finally get a chance at a dept head position? Probably not. He probably had to jump through the same hoops to get a peice of the pie and he has been doing so LONGER than you.

So whats your answer? LAY DOWN ON HIM! Decided to do as little as possible and hope he fails? Screw you, you peice of crap. I hope if you get position that all the people under you decide to be JUST LIKE YOU and do their best to help you FAIL.

Ever think that if you continue to be a good, ethical and consistent example to others that YES you will be rewarded? Your manager seems to see good things in you. I guess he was wrong.

People like you are the main reason that it sucks to work at Kroger.

 Yet if he didn't get screwed over first it wouldn't have ended up this way, huh.


The other guy CAN "have it his way" by steping down. They are all just laughing at you dude.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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I am sure it takes some fighting for to get a transfer thats closer to home.

I'm not saying anything bad about the frozen dude. I dont even know him, I have nothing against him what so ever. And I actually have been with kroger longer than him, He just happen to get full time 3 months before I did and thats when your seniority date starts.

I wasn't laying down on him in anyway I am just upset at the situation in general not at anyone person.

And my manger and coworkers respect me cause I give 100% in what I do everyday. I am a good, ethical person. Before I was with kroger I was in the Navy as an E-3 DC and I believe that I am a very hard working team player that takes my job very seriously. And honestly I have actually kept a few employees working here that wanted to quit. I try to make the work place a fun, but serious work enviroment.

I am sorry if i came out that way to anyone. I just wanted to share my situation and get input from others that have or are working for kroger.



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Mynameisjames wrote:

Do you know how much crap the transfer had to go through to finally get a chance at a dept head position? Probably not. He probably had to jump through the same hoops to get a peice of the pie and he has been doing so LONGER than you.

So whats your answer? LAY DOWN ON HIM! Decided to do as little as possible and hope he fails? Screw you, you peice of crap. I hope if you get position that all the people under you decide to be JUST LIKE YOU and do their best to help you FAIL.

Ever think that if you continue to be a good, ethical and consistent example to others that YES you will be rewarded? Your manager seems to see good things in you. I guess he was wrong.

People like you are the main reason that it sucks to work at Kroger.


yeah, sure, everyone that get s a position, worked for it, and if you work hard you will too.Aw jeeze, i can't breath i'm laughing so hard !!


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Anon posted while I was writing my rant.

Given the opportunity would you step down? Still isnt the transfers fault that Anon got passed over. I'm sure you would agree you have to take the few opportunities you get.

And yes this hits close to home for me.


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Heh.. Your store manager either didn't bother to check, or he is lying to your face.

I just had to deal with a situation like this in my store. Management positions do not go by seniority at all. Department heads, and department backups (AKA Assistant managers) are chosen at the store managers discretion.

Don't just listen to your store manager, if you dont believe it. Ask your union rep.

In my store, the grocery manager has had a backup for YEARS and YEARS. His backup got fired for stealing time. He wanted to appoint one of his other guys as his backup, and the store manager told him no. He isn't allowed to have a backup, because the store manager doesnt like any of the guys currently working under him. We called the union in on it, and it is indeed the store managers choice on who to appoint as a backup or as a manager. If the store manager decides to pay no one for being backup, then no one is allowed to have the job.

If you are not going to get paid for the position, you should stop doing the work the position requires. If they never paid you extra for being backup before, then you need to talk to your manager or union rep about receiving back pay.

If the produce manager has been out ill, and you were acting backup, then you should have been receiving department head pay. If the other backup was receiving department head pay, you should have been receiving backup pay.

You can receive backup pay if the current backup acts as department head, and you act as backup for a full work week. If it is one day less, you dont get it. You can get department head pay, if you are the current backup, and you act as department head on any days over the department head's normally scheduled off days. Example: Department head works 5 days.. 1 of those days he is sick or he uses a vacation day. He works 4 days total, with 3 days off. You can collect department head pay for those three days total, because he was off longer than his normally scheduled time off.

Sounds like you really need to talk to a union rep about this. Your manager sounds like a dick.



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Thank you so much for your reply.
I have tried to talk to managment again and again.
I have told him over and over that it is soley his decision and he swears up and down that he called HR and told him that he has to give the postion to the other guy because he has seniority over me.
He told me he would send an email about the situation to someone higher up and give me a copy of the reply, I haven't seen it yet.
I will talk to a union rep again, first time I talked to one he said that the frozen dude pulled the seniority card on me and that he would look into it.

The thing that gets me is that the first time he told me that I didn't get the job, I asked why and he said "because of the contract the kroger signed it is due by seniority". I asked around and my shop steward said the union has nothing to due with seniority and managers/backup postions. So I told the manager this and then he said it's not the union its kroger. so he changes who is pulling the seniority issue.
He is a new store manager, this is his first store so I don't know if he's being a jack ass or if he just don't know any better.
Is there a number I can call to get info on this and maybe present this info to the manger?


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im too lazy to read all of this



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I work in the front end at my store, and I have seen the position for lead cashier open many times. Two of those times, someone from another store did get the position because they had more senority than the people at my store that had applied for it. I am sorry to say it, but I think that your manager is right on this issue. The only thing that he can really do is try to convince the transfer to withdraw his application, which is what my manager did the first time the lead cashier position opened up at my store.



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See now I am getting mix response.
I don't know that to believe.
I want a set fact "this is the answer response", What is the rule when it comes to this answer.



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The set fact is that by Kroger and Union policy seniority > experience, as long as all is equal, and management doesn't want you to be lead bad enough(they can use the "is more qualified" excuse to push you through if they wanted). Also the other guy refuses to withdraw his application. He probably wants the money.

That's the facts. No matter what they tell you, that's what is going on.


Would you like fries with th... I mean, your milk in a bag?


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They could use the "super experience" rule only if one of the applicants has more experience than the other in that particular position. Since the other guy also has experience in this position, it makes it harder (but not impossible) to build the case for "super experience". You could emphasize that his experience was before Key Retailing, while you have experience in that area after Key Retailing was put in place.



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My point exactly. I am the one who got his Key Retailingstarted and certified.
I put up the communication board, all the product lables, set up the sales floor carts, cleaning cart, cardboard cart, "P" touched everything, got the sanaitation "hospital clean", updating all the paperwork. I mean I got this Key Retailing on track and in practice in that department.
He may have 3 years of experience as a actual assistant produce manager, but that was like 3 years ago.
Key Retailing has changed the way this deptarment is ran inside and out. Key Retailing for forzen is completely different than produce.
Oh and I would assume the pay raise for both is the same. Any assistant dept manager or lead postion gets a .50 cent raise. I believe he would be seeing no pay raise for switching over,
I on the other hand would be.
Well I know he won't be coming over next week due to our receiver going on vacation that week and I am the only one that can do receiving, acording to managment I am also the back up receiver. Ofcoruse no extra pay for knowing how to use Chaintrack and doing the receivers job when she's out. I have been doing 3 jobs in one, receiver, nutrition adp, and produce manager, for no extra pay. I must be crazy, lol. something has got to give sonner or later.



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Apply for his job, since it is up for grabs now. Then when something better pops up, you can apply for that position. Plus the experience you will have as the frozen lead will help you, as well.



So the guy got the position because he worked hard?

Does that mean OP didn't get  the position because he didn't work hard enough?





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Well I found out why they wanted to push me in the frozen.
Its because the previous frozen lead, that is now the asst produce manager kept ****ing up in frozen.
Plus the frozen dept has the most markup and a huge money maker during the holidays.
The manager wants me to clean up that department. So many thing are wrong in frozen that it is ridiculous.
For one he was to lazy to work backstock so he would change BOH's to zero when there are full cases in the freezer. The backstock is crazy, there were 30 something holes and 9 carts of backstock. I mean either have lots of backstock and no holes, or have no backstock and have alot of holes, not both. It is such a cluster **** in that dept.
One thing that is pissing me off is that say I have 20 cases of a stouffer's tv dinner's on the shelf and I check the BOH and the system say's I only have 12 on hand, well I check the backstock and what do you know theres 2 cases packed 12. So the system should be showing 44 on hand. So the system wants to order more cases cause it thinks it is bellow the MIN which we arent.
So I press F10 and F9 on the handheld and guess what the dumbass zeroed it out. Why? I dont know, maybe he's lazy and doesnt check his backstock.
And thats just one item. I have already changed more than 30 items BOH's with pack sized numbers back to before this guy changed the numbers. Like say he took 13 out of the system to zero it out, well I have to add 13 right back in!!!
WOW just WOW.
Come to find out he is the one that failed the store on Key Retailing, cause he was not scanning backstock, go figure. No current backstock reviews on the carts. BOH's all incorrect, to many holes, to much backstock.
Yesterday I had to scan out 20 or so items in backstock cause they were out of date. Really, That stuff last like two years. So old that some of the items where Not On File.



This is exactly why I hate Unions. Drop out of the Union if you can. It's not like it's helping you. Why wasn't this person so interested in that position four months prior. Serious. DROP OUT OF THE UNION!!!



Anonymous wrote:

This is exactly why I hate Unions. Drop out of the Union if you can. It's not like it's helping you. Why wasn't this person so interested in that position four months prior. Serious. DROP OUT OF THE UNION!!!

 This is a 10 year old post.

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