I got a new part-time job and I'll be working part-time at Kroger as well. I'd quit completely, but I really need the extra money. I'll be working my new job more because it's the job that I've been trying to get for months. I'm hoping to be completely done with Kroger by May.
good on you for getting a second job. its the first step towards quitting this $h1thole for good. i can't wait until the day i can burn my kroger uniform en effigy. i'm just assuming, as kroger wages are a worn-away notch from being a common panhandler, that your new job pays much better. you'll actually get real raises rather than 5 cents per year and won't have to pay union dues on minimum wage! oh, i can taste it now.....oh, but i'm getting ahead of myself here. good luck on your new job and good luck on getting out of this hellhole for the rest of your natural life