We had to toss out 5 lbs of bulk oat meal because a customer could not multiply 1 x 1. He originally brought up two bags of oat meal totaling close to 3 lbs and thought it was too expensive. He passed on it and we have to toss out bulk once it leaves the container. He spends 10 minutes reading his receipt and goes back and gets two more full bags. Goes through self check. He ends up not wanting to pay $2 for one pound oat meal bags. $1 x 2 lbs = $2 each bag basically being a $1. Its too expensive so we void it and toss it. He tries again with a single bag. We ask him not to waist product and to please leave. So he ends up paying for the final bag and throws a fit and asks why is it so darn expensive. So apparently a 1 lbs bag of oatmeal is too expensive for just $1? Okay then. I guess you cant fix stupid.
We had to toss out 5 lbs of bulk oat meal because a customer could not multiply 1 x 1. He originally brought up two bags of oat meal totaling close to 3 lbs and thought it was too expensive. He passed on it and we have to toss out bulk once it leaves the container. He spends 10 minutes reading his receipt and goes back and gets two more full bags. Goes through self check. He ends up not wanting to pay $2 for one pound oat meal bags. $1 x 2 lbs = $2 each bag basically being a $1. Its too expensive so we void it and toss it. He tries again with a single bag. We ask him not to waist product and to please leave. So he ends up paying for the final bag and throws a fit and asks why is it so darn expensive. So apparently a 1 lbs bag of oatmeal is too expensive for just $1? Okay then. I guess you cant fix stupid.
The guy was playing you.
He was hoping you'd get upset and just give it to him for either nothing or virtually nothing. Normally, this is a tactic used by fat middle-aged women.
We had to toss out 5 lbs of bulk oat meal because a customer could not multiply 1 x 1. He originally brought up two bags of oat meal totaling close to 3 lbs and thought it was too expensive. He passed on it and we have to toss out bulk once it leaves the container. He spends 10 minutes reading his receipt and goes back and gets two more full bags. Goes through self check. He ends up not wanting to pay $2 for one pound oat meal bags. $1 x 2 lbs = $2 each bag basically being a $1. Its too expensive so we void it and toss it. He tries again with a single bag. We ask him not to waist product and to please leave. So he ends up paying for the final bag and throws a fit and asks why is it so darn expensive. So apparently a 1 lbs bag of oatmeal is too expensive for just $1? Okay then. I guess you cant fix stupid.
The guy was playing you.
He was hoping you'd get upset and just give it to him for either nothing or virtually nothing. Normally, this is a tactic used by fat middle-aged women.
Non speaking English individual acting stupid. Even third graders know this ****.