Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve are two of the worst holidays to work in the deli because they're so boring. I can't take it. Our manager always insists on all hands on deck for these two holidays but everything has already been done days in advance. All we do is hand out boxes to people occasionally. So it's just 6 or 7 people standing around on one of our least busy days when usually they barely schedule anyone. It's so mindnumbingly dull and it feels more like a 12 hour shift because time moves so slowly.
Our store was all hands on deck. Over staffed more checkers than check stands. People wondering bored because all the job duties are already done. C.c.'s too scared to do cart runs in the parking lot because drivers are a-s-s holes in the parking lot. Our fes is an a-s-s hole because he's grumpy as hell due to customers being di-c-k-s at self check.
I wish our store was slow in those days. We too are an ALL hands on deck store. But then again it is as busy as fukk. We even had to walk away from customers trying to get in a minute before the store closed, after the store closed much to their chagrin. We've even seen customers pull and tug on the doors as if they were trying to move the whole d@mn building.
I wish we were slow. That would mean we'd be able to leave even esrlier