Something is going on. Yesterday we were suppose to get in 78 pieces. We only got 36. Today, not only were we still missing the rest of yesterday's order, but we were also missing 18 pieces from today's order. To make matters worse, management had me mark on the bill yesterday what items were missing from the order and then proceeded to lose the list. They wanted me to run the yesterday's bills again and mark off the missing items again. That was yesterday. I can't remember every single item that was missing. It's not my fault they can't keep track of a single sheet of paper. I remembered some things clearly. But there were some things like cookies for example that I was unsure of. We got some cookies but not all of them. We got one type of angel food cake but not another. We got some muffins but not others. There was no pattern.
Our floral department has the same issues. Order placed in months before sale ad and order gets postponed for a few weeks and shows up three weeks after ad finished.