yall better have these shelves filled with product before i get there this morning. Maybe if yall put a little effort youd get some kinda hazard pay but at this rate pfft! STOCK THE SHELVES!!
F-u-c-k off pis-s-y customer. May someone slap some sense into you and manners. If you didn't prep or prepare f-u-c-k off that's your own sh-i-t-ty problem. A lot of smart people already have half the sh-i-t they need. You're probably not one due to the way you worded your statement. The smart part of them saw a society crash coming and decided to start preping 20+ years ago.
Only god knows when the load shows up and what is on it. Product and staples are not guaranteed right now so suck it up and at mature. If you know a product flies off the shelf buy it then not when you need it. Use your brain rather than being an @$$ hole. Society is in crumbles right now so suck the f-u-c-k up. You get what you see until society reopens again. Hopefully by Apr/May. This time the customer is not always right. So f-u-c-k off. This isn't the Kroger help line. Hell this website isn't even affiliated with Kroger just a place made where people can bi-tch about their day due to the b-ull s-h-it society throws at them. If you shop at my store and act this way to the cashiers you will be asked to leave and my store does enforce this. Why the other day a senior citizen wanted to return a product she bought. She left came back and told her we couldn't return any thing except for perishables due to quality. We asked her to leave and literally showed her the door because she started cussing us out. Thanks b-i-tch.
Didn't you know the backroom of all stores is the size of a metro city warehouse and they have an unlimited stock on hand at all times jeeze get on this customers level (who obviously has never worked retail)