is an embarrassment. what a terrible, backwards policy. while other stores including walmart are limiting numbers to 50 at a time, Kroger is allowing only 475 customers in to my store at once. because they value our health. lol. this company is a joke, everything they do is weeks behind and i feel like this is just another slap in the face to their false caring. weve never even had that many people in a store on a weekend or holiday.
What everyone needs to understand is that every single associate is easy to replace. Kroger needs associates to make them money, they don't care who makes them money as long as there's someone to work and make them money. If people get sick, they will hire new ones, give them slightly more $ at the beginning, then 5 cent raises every year or so.
In conclusion, if you are able to, find a different job.
is an embarrassment. what a terrible, backwards policy. while other stores including walmart are limiting numbers to 50 at a time, Kroger is allowing only 475 customers in to my store at once. because they value our health. lol. this company is a joke, everything they do is weeks behind and i feel like this is just another slap in the face to their false caring. weve never even had that many people in a store on a weekend or holiday.
I have heard that Walmart is going by the total square footage of each store, and a certain number of square feet are alloted to each customer, resulting in several hundred customers being allowed in at any one point in time. And that Kroger and Target is (now) doing the same thing, so the number of people allowed in any specific store will vary depending on how large the store is.
IS THIS CORRECT? Anyone "in the know" please guesses, please.
is an embarrassment. what a terrible, backwards policy. while other stores including walmart are limiting numbers to 50 at a time, Kroger is allowing only 475 customers in to my store at once. because they value our health. lol. this company is a joke, everything they do is weeks behind and i feel like this is just another slap in the face to their false caring. weve never even had that many people in a store on a weekend or holiday.
I have heard that Walmart is going by the total square footage of each store, and a certain number of square feet are alloted to each customer, resulting in several hundred customers being allowed in at any one point in time. And that Kroger and Target is (now) doing the same thing, so the number of people allowed in any specific store will vary depending on how large the store is.
IS THIS CORRECT? Anyone "in the know" please guesses, please.
I can't find it now. I thought I read on a recent post here that Walmart is allowing 5 people per 1000sqft. 180,000 sqft building would be 900 people. Figure 100 employees, that is about 800 customers at a time.
100,000 sq ft would be 500 people at a time.
"Starting Saturday, the major retailer will begin limiting customers allowed into its store to no more than five customers for each 1,000 square feet of store space. Customers will then be admitted on a "1-out-1-in" basis when the store is full."
Yeah whoever said Walmart was only letting in 50 at a time is lying. In my small town, my Walmart has a sign allowing 900+ in at a time. So most Kroger stores will still be letting in a lot less people than Walmart based on it's size.
This is a disaster just waiting to happen. If a store has so many customers a week, those customers are going to show up whether you limit the number of people in the store or not. How are they going to decide who gets in? It may be on a first come first serve basis but what happens when those first few people take their own sweet time doing their shopping? There's no telling how long people will have to wait. There's going to be problems.
The media has blown this whole coronovirus way out of proportion with their news conferences every day saying how many people have died from the virus. What they don't mention is the fact that people die every day from things other than coronavirus. All one has to do is look up the daily obituaries. Deaths from coronavirus only make up a small fraction of a percent of the causes of death. They say the mortality rate for the disease is 2% to 3%. Those figures are based solely on people who have been tested positive for the disease. It does not take into account people who have had the disease but whose symptoms were so mild or non-existent that they didn't know they were infected. I was watching a news conference with the governor of Indiana and the health commissioner and a reporter brought up the fact that if 2 to 3 percent of the people who get the disease die from it, then 97 to 98 percent of the people who get it recover from it. The health commissioner seemed slightly annoyed that that fact was brought up.
It starts today in the Local 1996 Atlanta GA area 1 customer for every 125 feet space in the store-about time!
How in the hell do you calculate that? Why in the hell don't Kroger just say 50 people at a time? Who the hell knows how many square feet a store is? Come on Kroger make things simple for once.
It starts today in the Local 1996 Atlanta GA area 1 customer for every 125 feet space in the store-about time!
How in the hell do you calculate that? Why in the hell don't Kroger just say 50 people at a time? Who the hell knows how many square feet a store is? Come on Kroger make things simple for once.
This (square footage) would be common knowledge to Kroger corporate........information like this about all Kroger stores are kept, including exactly how much square footage each store is. Not a major problem getting the info. The problem is that the numbers of customers allowed are/will be still ridiculously high. And much of the floor space is taken up by DISPLAYS, SHELVING, etc. 500 allowed in at once in my store............ yeah, right. We would have to be like Black Friday or Mothers Day eve to get that high in numbers. It is a JOKE!!........ A publicity stunt for public media consumption, and most of the young reporters (most of which try to dress and doll up like some kind of TV celebrity or movie star) in the media dutifully parrot whatever Kroger Corporate feeds them.
It starts today in the Local 1996 Atlanta GA area 1 customer for every 125 feet space in the store-about time!
How in the hell do you calculate that? Why in the hell don't Kroger just say 50 people at a time? Who the hell knows how many square feet a store is? Come on Kroger make things simple for once.
This (square footage) would be common knowledge to Kroger corporate........information like this about all Kroger stores are kept, including exactly how much square footage each store is. Not a major problem getting the info. The problem is that the numbers of customers allowed are/will be still ridiculously high. And much of the floor space is taken up by DISPLAYS, SHELVING, etc. 500 allowed in at once in my store............ yeah, right. We would have to be like Black Friday or Mothers Day eve to get that high in numbers. It is a JOKE!!........ A publicity stunt for public media consumption, and most of the young reporters (most of which try to dress and doll up like some kind of TV celebrity or movie star) in the media dutifully parrot whatever Kroger Corporate feeds them.
I was told that they are going to allow half the limit of the fire code.
Our store limit is 400, which is odd considering that at our busiest we have 80-100 customers in the store. So, this is just a public relations move and it worked; Google "Kroger news" and you'll see article after article stating "Kroger limits customers in stores."
Our store limit is 400, which is odd considering that at our busiest we have 80-100 customers in the store. So, this is just a public relations move and it worked; Google "Kroger news" and you'll see article after article stating "Kroger limits customers in stores."
Yup, our limit is 850. I wonder if they are counting the employees.
This is to encourage social distancing. Costco did this and other stores are following. Which is good as we get thousands of customers in our stores on the weekend and most are packed shoulder to shoulder.