I'm a pickup employee. Yesterday i took an order outside and set the brake on the palley. The load must have been too heavy and the brake failed and the palley ran into the car next to it. I doubt it did much damage from being hit by plastic totes and the car looked fine to me. If they call and complain how much trouble can i be in?
Might get a write up for it but most people don't care these days. Just leave a note on the car and says store employee... hit with... contact store for further info. The store has policies and procedures for this type of thing.
when i worked in clicklist i parked my trolley behind a car that was already served and they backed out over the trolley. i didn't even get a write-up but i heard the guy claimed about two thousand worth of damages
another time there was a storm and from the pharmacy drive-thru i saw a buggy fly at full speed into the side of a car, wow