Anyone else having several employees just quit in your department recently!? I work in produce at a larger Kroger and we had 12 people in our department. But in the last week 6 of our people quit in produce!! Our store has 3 confirmed cases of corona and all the workers are legit worried, and our store is quickly dwindling down to no employees
Anyone else having several employees just quit in your department recently!? I work in produce at a larger Kroger and we had 12 people in our department. But in the last week 6 of our people quit in produce!! Our store has 3 confirmed cases of corona and all the workers are legit worried, and our store is quickly dwindling down to no employees
3 of your employees have it and the store is still open? WTF is Kroger doing???
That's kroger's training tactics for you. Hire cheap help knowing full well that they'll quit later on. They'll use and abuse the cheap help. The more people they can have at minimum wage the better. They less people the have stay long term the better because they hate having to pay employees journeyman pay. They'll take a gap in the staffing over having some one stay long term. The union sort of screwed new hires 3-4 contracts ago and now they can't keep any one more than 1-3 years at best. People get fed up with this b-ul-l s-h-it and leave. That's exactly what they want. Kroger has been using these firing tactics for years. Union doesn't do s-h-i-t to keep people long term. Minimum wage = you're still poor paycheck. So of course people are going to quit.
Other companies offer more appealing starting wages. I can totally agree why people are leaving. I didn't see $18/hr for like 6 years and that doesn't exclude the 4 year waiting time frame to get onto the journeyman pay scale. Why work a sh-i-t show job at minimum when you can go to any other company and actually get a career job.?