My kroger has a lot of associates that smell like wet butt. I hated going into that store cause of how you all dont bathe... but thanks to these masks the odor from you vile creatures is non existent! hurray!
I've been wearing a mask for 2 weeks and I can smell EVERYTHING JUST AS WELL with the mask as without.
Which shows us they do very little good in screening out microscopic particles. I can smell overbearing cologne and perfume, nasty "dirty ashtray smell" from chronic smokers, cigarette smoke drifting into the store from the front door 50 feet away, dirty customers with clothes that smell like mothballs from being in the closet for the last year, etc, etc, etc.
I've been wearing a mask for 2 weeks and I can smell EVERYTHING JUST AS WELL with the mask as without.
Which shows us they do very little good in screening out microscopic particles. I can smell overbearing cologne and perfume, nasty "dirty ashtray smell" from chronic smokers, cigarette smoke drifting into the store from the front door 50 feet away, dirty customers with clothes that smell like mothballs from being in the closet for the last year, etc, etc, etc.
Get real, troll!
No you cant ASSociate. Thats you probably smelling your own filthy ass! Maybe if you actually took a shower at least ONCE a week you wouldnt get high off your own crack sweat! Get real ASSociate
I've been refusing to wear a mask for this, but I've always worn them while spray painting projects at home, and it's very true that they dont filter for ****. The smell's still there, and when I take the mask off the paint has made it's way toward where my nose and mouth are. There's no way COVID particulates are larger than paint.
I've been refusing to wear a mask for this, but I've always worn them while spray painting projects at home, and it's very true that they dont filter for ****. The smell's still there, and when I take the mask off the paint has made it's way toward where my nose and mouth are. There's no way COVID particulates are larger than paint.
A plain mask does absolutely nothing in stopping a virus. Viruses are the smallest form of life. They are several times smaller than the smallest bacteria. Viruses pass through a plain mask as easily as salt pours from a salt shaker.
I've been refusing to wear a mask for this, but I've always worn them while spray painting projects at home, and it's very true that they dont filter for ****. The smell's still there, and when I take the mask off the paint has made it's way toward where my nose and mouth are. There's no way COVID particulates are larger than paint.
A plain mask does absolutely nothing in stopping a virus. Viruses are the smallest form of life. They are several times smaller than the smallest bacteria. Viruses pass through a plain mask as easily as salt pours from a salt shaker.
And yet the gov't is ordering everyone to wear cloth face coverings.
I've been refusing to wear a mask for this, but I've always worn them while spray painting projects at home, and it's very true that they dont filter for ****. The smell's still there, and when I take the mask off the paint has made it's way toward where my nose and mouth are. There's no way COVID particulates are larger than paint.
trust me it blocks ASSociates who smell like sweaty dirt ass. None of these scums ever bathe. some even have sweat stain on their pants going down the crack.
I agree on this. Most lack proper hygiene. Especially customers. It's obvious 50% of them or more don't bathe properly. Or are so sweaty it's difficult to be next to them. The worst ones are those that smell like marijuana and stink to high heaven.
Ever notice since kids have started to wear masks less kids are picking their nose, face and ears then touch every thing around them. Most people fail to cover coughs.
I'm not surprised this society is sick by how poorly this society maintains it's hygiene. Come one we're in the 21st century do our grandparents still have to bathe once a week, if at all? Good lord.