im cashier at food4less and i recently been terminated for not showing for work. The reason is that I've too afriad to come to my store since the convid-19 outbreak my store has been taking precautions but there are days when management doesn't seem to care they make us do overtime stay full time, and let too many people in the stores, customers as well don't seem to care either my final week i seen so many people without mask or gloves. I afraid to show up anymore i called them and told them about it but all my manager said was yeah ok bye...and month later she's tells me i had to show up and sign papers but she didn't say anything about absense or called me..she said im on the nonrehire and there's nothing i can do about it. Please help i loved my job i love working at food4less please
Yes if you just stop showing up to work you can be claimed as job abandonment. File a union grievance. Do it now because every minute counts. The clock starts ticking from the time they termed you. Every contract is different. You could of also done:
FMLA for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks it can turn into disability pay. Though that only works if you're sick and it's impairing you towards your job. Anyone can take fmla for any reason any time. Dr's notes help but not required. Hippa can protect them from knowing your health condition and any other facts. Just a dr's note stating this individual requires leave for their personal health....
Leave of absence. Can be taken any time for any reason any length of time. It is up to the manager to approve or disapprove it. It's better than not showing up to work or
Step down in hours. Every contract is different but to be declared "employed" you need to show up for at least one shift a month regardless of the hour length. If you want health insurance each contract is different but it generally averages 20hrs weekly for individual or 80hrs weekly for family. Or just step down in enough hours to pay the bills. There are several insurance plans you can apply for. This one is run of the mill but they pay you to work to get it. In any other job I've had 1.25 paychecks generally went towards a health insurance plan that's half of what kroger offers. Thanks oboma care for hiking up the rates of health insurance. Thank you oboma care for 29.5 hr work weeks. Thank you oboma care for a $5,000 penalty if you fail to have health insurance. Thank you oboma care for making companies furlough just enough employees to not require health insurance....
Writing a classification essay is extremely useful because it allows the author to learn to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts, structure information, use basic concepts, highlight causal relationships, illustrate the experience with relevant examples, and substantiate his conclusions.
Writing a classification essay is extremely useful because it allows the author to learn to clearly and correctly formulate thoughts, structure information, use basic concepts, highlight causal relationships, illustrate the experience with relevant examples, and substantiate his conclusions.