Aren't the prices on ClickList higher then actually going into the store for the same items? If so, you need to save some money and get your lazy butt IN the store to shop!
Aren't the prices on ClickList higher then actually going into the store for the same items? If so, you need to save some money and get your lazy butt IN the store to shop!
EBT is just like any other payment, who cares what payment a customer uses. The only thing with EBT, Lawmakers should exempt some expensive or unhealthy items from being purchased. Personally, who cares who uses Pickup or their payment? As long as the customer is respectful, take their $$. In the future the question comes to the fee, if the fee isn't waived in the future for all orders, would the EBT customer be allowed to be charged a fee if they only purchased food items. Currently, EBT customer are not charged a TAX on food items (some areas have a Food Tax and some areas charge a Tax on non-nutritious food items (Soda, Pop).
EBT is just like any other payment, who cares what payment a customer uses. The only thing with EBT, Lawmakers should exempt some expensive or unhealthy items from being purchased. Personally, who cares who uses Pickup or their payment? As long as the customer is respectful, take their $$. In the future the question comes to the fee, if the fee isn't waived in the future for all orders, would the EBT customer be allowed to be charged a fee if they only purchased food items. Currently, EBT customer are not charged a TAX on food items (some areas have a Food Tax and some areas charge a Tax on non-nutritious food items (Soda, Pop).
EBT is just like any other payment, who cares what payment a customer uses. The only thing with EBT, Lawmakers should exempt some expensive or unhealthy items from being purchased. Personally, who cares who uses Pickup or their payment? As long as the customer is respectful, take their $$. In the future the question comes to the fee, if the fee isn't waived in the future for all orders, would the EBT customer be allowed to be charged a fee if they only purchased food items. Currently, EBT customer are not charged a TAX on food items (some areas have a Food Tax and some areas charge a Tax on non-nutritious food items (Soda, Pop).
It also effects the wait time in clicklist when you have to stand car side a complete a payment via ebt. when its a regular payment method all you have to do is process payment and its done.
Yep ebt's slow us down every time. Even if the tablets work you have to swipe the card and wait for the pin. If the tablets don't work we have to take the ebt cards inside to process it....
EBT is just like any other payment, who cares what payment a customer uses. The only thing with EBT, Lawmakers should exempt some expensive or unhealthy items from being purchased. Personally, who cares who uses Pickup or their payment? As long as the customer is respectful, take their $$. In the future the question comes to the fee, if the fee isn't waived in the future for all orders, would the EBT customer be allowed to be charged a fee if they only purchased food items. Currently, EBT customer are not charged a TAX on food items (some areas have a Food Tax and some areas charge a Tax on non-nutritious food items (Soda, Pop).
It also effects the wait time in clicklist when you have to stand car side a complete a payment via ebt. when its a regular payment method all you have to do is process payment and its done.
I'm surprised they haven't done the "locker" concept to try and eliminate some employee to customer interaction, then you could also allow after hours pickup.