I had 1 day I was sent home due to getting sick and barfing I had 1 unexcused day then another day that was excused do you think they will fire me for missing another day I do not feel well at all
The sick policies with covid are different. The rule of thumb is to go home when sick or call out if possible. 1-3 days you're fine. If 4 or more go to er and get a dr's note. Now that everything is digital you can also go to kaiser nurse chat and get one that way. I've done it a time or two during covid. Thank god they send people home puking on the clock. I use to stumble into coworkers barfing in the bathroom and they were so sick they obviously shouldn't be there. The worst part is they were deli food prep workers. That's great for business. Please stay home. Viruses spread and more people have to skip work because of it. With facial coverings now chances are it's either the flue or food poisoning.