Working one day, doing my usual, top performance routine, picking, shuttling, costumers groceries to their cars... doing my job;
It was mid-morning, while taking a costumers order to their car, a routine that i had done over a period of time... that speed bump; that speed bump! That speed bump that runs down and across the "make-shift" pick up area (created due to the pandemic upsurge in pick-up orders), creating a un-level walk area... would change my lifestyle, my personal "routine"... forever.
More to my point here: not the right/wrong, blame or fault...
it's to this fact... workman's comp has ran it's course... Kroger, with the doctor's restrictions, that I cannot work; I am not scheduled, thus have been "put off" on medical leave.
What that means is... no work; no pay... no workman's comp; no pay... no sedgwick; no pay... and since it is labeled as Medical Leave, no Unemployment benefits.
What exactly happened? You say speed bump. Did you fall and sprain or break an area of your leg? Did someone decide to drive on by and not slow down? Also, how long until you're cleared to work? Maybe you should consider another job if you keep getting screwed like that.
One wrong step and bang... my right knee blew out. Oh, I'm 50+ so there has to be some signs of arthritis... that's the loophole. Work accident NOT the cause for the complete knee... so limited to their involvement. No, can't go back to work... doctor restrictions prevent them from scheduling me at all. Why do I have to quit... then it's determined that I left voluntarily; permanently... on all future resumes and job apps.