Store can't keep staff because or fes is an @$$. Management won't fire him because he shows up for shifts and he's the only one who wants to do the job. Management is too blind to see he's caused several staff members to quit or transfer in the past couple years.
Instead of having a positive attitude he's a moaner and complainer. He spews and utters b.s. from his mouth all the time and never has anything positive to say. He's very selective in whom he likes. Once his mind targets onto something he verbally harasses people on the subject until something changes his mind set.
Good fu-ck how can anyone live this nastily?
He's been written up a few times for poor attendance.
He's been written up a few times for being an @$$ to staff.
He's been written up a few times for too many customer complaints.
Kroger sucks! Any office company would of terminated him a long time ago.
At a personal level he blows through money then complains when there is none. People give him money and he blows through it then bit-ches about not having funds to pay bills when they're due.