2 months ago a much older co-worker put his hands on me back in the meat cooler. He came up from behind me, while i was bent over, and grabs me by my hips and squeezed. I scream....he laughs! "Whys your face so red"? I tell management. Store manager pulls this guy into office (two weeks later) and gives him a sexual harassment letter to sign and put in his file, and we all just need to learn to get along. Nothing else done. Guy even admitted to doing this and NOTHING was done.
4 weeks pass...same guy goes to hand me off a 10lb tube ground beef (2ft long and 6" dia) in a vertical position...as I took the tube he started moving it up and down, as if to immulate I am masturbating the tube....Told management....the guy denys it this time...my word against his... Since we're both very openly gay, I obviously wouldn't consider this harrassment or even have a problem with it, if I were even remotely attracted to him (or had a few stiff drinks in me)...but like I said, he's much older than me and I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind...