We understand that UFCW SoCal Locals are calling for a strike authorization vote on unfair labor practices from their members later this month.
The Union's Strike Playbook - We have seen the UFCW use an alleged 'unfair labor practice' strike in Colorado and Oregon. - The union is using unfair labor practices as a trick to get you to go on strike. In other words, it really isn't about your wages, health care or pension - it's about what the union "alleges" the company has done. - This is all to confuse and manipulate you into going out on strike. More importantly, the union is jeopardizing your wages and benefit, if there is a strike. These are the very items they claim to be fighting on for you.
What Is an Unfair Labor Practice Strike? - Strikes are divided into two categories: economic strikes and unfair labor practices strikes. - Economic strikes are those that take place over issues such as wages and benefits. - An unfair labor practice strike occurs when the union calls for workers to strike and the workers consequently engage in a strike over an employer's unfair labor practice. - In other words, it really isn't about your wages, health care or pension - it's about what the union "alleges" the company has done. This is all to confuse and manipulate you into going out on strike.
Unfounded and Unwarranted - Ralphs has followed the law as well as negotiated in good faith throughout the bargaining process. The filing of an unfair labor practice charge is an accusation. Both the union and the company can file unfair labor practices. The SoCal unions' claims have not been investigated by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and until that is done, no finding or ruling have been made. Simply put the union's claim has not been founded to be true. Something else for you to consider: - The union's unfair labor practices in Colorado and Oregon were eventually dropped by the UFCW.
No one wins in a strike. We've heard from associates that recent strikes ended with the company putting more money on the table than what was offered before the strike. That's not necessarily true. We'll share more on this in future updates.
Your Voice Matters - It is important to remember Ralphs has followed the law and the NLRB has not issued a complaint against the company. The threatened ULP strike is a tactic the union is using to skirt their obligation to bargain in good faith to reach an agreement. We encourage you to attend a union voting meeting and vote "NO" on strike authorization.
You can contact your union to ask them to return to the bargaining table and continue negotiating to reach an agreement on your new contract. As always, we will continue to provide open and transparent updates on www.RalphsCBA.com or FEED and on store bulletin boards. If you have any questions, please talk to your store leader. (QR code follows)
In reality strikes are all about $$$$, if the company was doing something extremely wrong an associate would have taken a video and it would be all over the net. In reality, bad PR is worse then the union complaining about this and that. Oh....if the wages are so bad, why wasn't the associates jumped ship? Why is the union always hot and bothered around new contract time, but not filing lawsuits, grievances, and such between contracts.
In reality, its funny how unions are all about press conferences right before and after new contracts, but they are crickets after signing until the new contract. In reality, Unions are semi outdated, yes there should be an organization to protect associates, but should Union still exist like they did years ago?