My store is crashing at an alarming rate because they chose minimum wage individuals over people how know the how to's and long terms of how to keep departments afloat. Long term staff that would of been willing to retire with the company are quitting at an alarming rate and/or going back to school or getting p.t. jobs and quitting this one. John Kroger would rather keep the minimum wage cycle going instead of promoting insiders that can keep the store running. This was their last straw. My department has gone to hell in a hand basket because management passed 3 good long term candidates that could of entered the lead/management position. Our department is quickly falling apart and the newb has no clue about anything in the department. Knows nothing of the merchandise we sell, has already caused sizable shrink, displays look horrid, more out of stock than normal... Has a dim idea of the procedures and daily routines of the department. I asked to transfer out because of this. 3 staff kept the department afloat while managers left like flies and no one wanted to do it. You have 3 long term people willing to do the job but no you hire an outsider who is destroying the department. I'm frankly glad I transferred out to another department. John kroger your company sucks! it's getting worse not better. I'm afraid the kroger buy out of all the other stores in my area will make it horrid.
personally i told tem no. nothing less than 30/hr is worth any postiton with responsibility(im drunk and have no idea how i speeled that right.) i would rather make whatever the f/u/c?k top pay is now than take on a lead/head/whateverthe**** postiton.