Zero restrictions: We'll work you 6-12 day work weeks with one day off in between so you end up working 80 hr work weeks. You're too exhausted to do any thing by the end. The longer you do these the more exhausting they get and the more you loose stamina to do them.
Just a couple restrictions: We'll ding your hrs so you get 3-4 shifts at most. Oh and you'll only get 12-18 hr paychecks.
Been with the company 1.5 decades and never seen our hrs down so low. They keep making up lies on why hrs are so low and I don't buy one bit of it. Pay your damn people a livable paycheck!
Most people at my store are going back to school to get more training so they can go beyond the store level of their job. I was denied tuition assistant funds because they didn't think I was capable of it. B.s. I'm paying out of pocket and averaging a 3.2 gpa. Same degree and everything. I'm joining them. I thought I was done when I got my AA but I see no future with this company and ZERO opportunities to grow with this company. I've only changed rolls three times and that's because of a store change. This is the only company I've ever worked for with such little promotional growth.