My coworker is a nice person but I don't need to know half your life history about where you lived, how many times you moved and what you did over the course of your life.... No, please don't.
For starters that's too much information and I have started to develop less respect for you by telling me things that I didn't need to know. I didn't need to know you're a job hopper. I can clearly see why you are living your life style and most people would chose not to live like that. We all have different life styles and see the world differently but I'm loosing respect for you by you telling me all this personal stuff I didn't need to know.
Please do not tell me your whole life history. Thank you.
You know what? I think its good to know a bit about the co-workers and customers. Youre going to be working around and with these people for a while, and Ive learned a lot about the guys and gals in my department that I wouldnt have known otherwise, and they know a bit about me. They dont have to know everything, though. You have to leave a little mystery, but mostly were all open books. Having these conversations makes it so much easier to get through the day, too, and work as a team. If you want to make it work, actively listening to and trusting your co-workers is part of the deal. Fortunately, I work with some very good people and we help each other out. And the customers love us! How its supposed to be IMO!
I agree. I don't need to know outsiders life story. The ONLY reason I listen to a co-worker's and customer's life story when they tell me is:
A) because it's a job requirement and I feel like I am obligated to (stupid reason customer)
B) to be nice. (Co-worker)6
If they want to tell you their story, then you are OBLIGATED to listen or at least pretend to SHOW INTEREST. Some people are lonely and just want someone to talk to.
You being in retail and working with customers and co-workers should know that IS a job requirement and comes with the job.
If you want to be rude and blow people off, work in a warehouse where no customers can go
My coworker is a nice person but I don't need to know half your life history about where you lived, how many times you moved and what you did over the course of your life.... No, please don't.
For starters that's too much information and I have started to develop less respect for you by telling me things that I didn't need to know. I didn't need to know you're a job hopper. I can clearly see why you are living your life style and most people would chose not to live like that. We all have different life styles and see the world differently but I'm loosing respect for you by you telling me all this personal stuff I didn't need to know.
Please do not tell me your whole life history. Thank you.
Clearly the OP is referring to itself in general. seek employment elsewhere. Youve been labeled a clown at this store.