I got off my shift and she took her lunch. We then proceeded to fu*k in my truck around behind the store in an apartment parking lot. Several people already know this. Could I get fired over this? I mean we didn't do it on Kroger property.
So are you asking a question or bragging?? Just kidding, technicallyifyou were caught on Kroger property they could make a case for dismissing you (though a good union steward could get you back quickly). Since you weren't caught and most of the action took place away from the store/off the clock...you really don't have anything to worry about. As for people knowing...I've worked for Kroger for 18 years. In that time I've seen nothing on any soap opera to rival what happens in a Kroger store (probably true of any large workplace). People will talk no matter what. Since we still live in a free country, you can basically associate/sleep with any adult you want to. I wouldn't let it get to you or lose any sleep over it.
If you're in management above said cashier, then one of you will have to transfer to another store because relationships between different-level employees isn't allowed. If you just work in different departments, same level, those relationships are okay.