The store I work at is changing from a 24 hour store to one that closes from 12 a.m.-6 a.m. next week. Anyone have any experience with this and will night crew be affected?
I work on night crew in a store that closes at midnight. Its great and peaceful once they all leave. I listen to my mp3 player once the store closes. I don't think you will be affected. I mean you can't buy anything after 12 but they will want you there to look after the place.
I've worked midnights in a store that is 12-6 closed. As said, its pretty peaceful.
Some stores in our area let the employees keep a register drawer open in case employees want to purchase something. There were some senior people where I work who worked nights who commented that we were the only store in the area that didnt do that.
The store I work at is changing from a 24 hour store to one that closes from 12 a.m.-6 a.m. next week. Anyone have any experience with this and will night crew be affected?
the store says open 24 hours but it DOESNT say 7 days a week.
from 12- 6 my store is open i would say maybe 40-80 People come by for a few things. if it did close during this time it would affect a few but really theft isnt a huge problem at our store. we have really good security.
Better hope they don't start putting 2+2 together. WinnDixie started closing at 11p and 12p not just to curb stealing, cut electricity but to also cut out the extra $0.50 an hour that night employees make. WD had stockers coming in at 4pm till 11 or 12p. Tons of money saved but winds up in execs and shareholders pockets. They loose a little income on sales but make up for it in wages saved.