it's salary. How much do they make? is it worth it? Any room to advance?
I don't know how much they make, but it seems like when you're a co-manager for Kroger, it takes over your life. The co-managers at my store generally put in more than ten hours a day. Sometimes a co-manager is there for twelve or thirteen hours. The reason is simple: the co-managers have to do the work that needs to get done but doesn't because corporate slashes the hourly employees hours, so the co-managers are doing work that the employees should be doing, but can't, because we're understaffed. I will see the co-managers unloading trucks in receiving, stocking shelves, spending hours up front watching the floor while the front end supervisor is chained to the register and so on. On top of that, I've watched co-managers literally get yelled at by screaming customers for the stupidiest reasons and then watch as they have to bite their tongues and try and make the customer happy with such things as a $10.00 Kroger gift card. Sometimes too, instead of the customers yelling at them for idiotic reasons, you've got the clueless people from corporate show up and yell at them for Key Retailing violations even though it's the co-managers that know what works and what doesn't work in a particular store rather than the baboons in empty suits that spend their days in a cozy, expensive office instead of in a store with the customers.
Oh, and then you have to hope that after you're at a store for awhile and you've gotten comfortable with its layout and the people you work with, that corporate doesn't decide to move you out of the blue to another store. One of our previous co-managers loved our store and lived five minutes away. Now he's being moved from store to store to serve as a replacement for vacationing co-managers and probably will end up getting placed in a store that itsn't nearly as close to where he lives.
Just seems to me that co-managers get very little respect and have no say in the matter when being told to go to a different store.
I spoke to one that made 40k a year, and yet worked over 60 hours per week. I calculated that I could make the same amount, or more, if I worked 60 hours at my current rate as a cashier. In my opinion, that job is not worth the worry of being fired for any reason or of being transferred to another location without notice. They can have that job!
Depending on your contract, non union managers may not do union work.
in my contract they can't be schedule for union work but they sure do it. one of them is always on a register, bagging, on the floor or at the service desk.
Wow you hit this right on are you a co manager right now!? I'm thinking about becoming a co manager but your right about everything I'm wondering if it's the right choice! I'm sick of them cutting hours and
its getting harder and harder to run a frontend with no hours but s need to hit quevision !