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Post Info TOPIC: Value me!

Value me!

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)


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Maybe if you were not a thieving lying cheating basturd, you would be valued?



Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 That's the funniest thing I've heard all day! Find your own ****, we don't have time to memorize an entire store when things get moved, and we especially don't have time to keep track of what we're out of beyond our department.


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Customers are always right
Just like management knows what they're doing
And just like Kroger follows its values

Customers can kiss my ass. I help, but once they're ****ty, I'm done. Kroger doesn't pay me to take a drink from water bottle, then Kroger doesn't pay me to help too much.



download the kroger app it will tell you where **** is a$$hole.

customers have no value to me always remember I value my job slightly more than being homeless and at times it's a toss up



OP eat a dick. Like the guy said use your smart phone and the Kroger app u ****en dummy.



Seriously?? You associates are real sad human beings. I make your small paychecks possible and this is how you treat worthy valued customers??! so many disgusting associates in these forums! You all are really pathetic!! Im still a valued customer and Im ALWAYS RIGHT!!


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So you think that we're lazy and pathetic? Okay, then. We'll just wait until you fall off of your very-high pedestal. Oh,  and if you want it higher you'll have to do it yourself. 


If you need the lot cleared pray that he's out there...somewhere.


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Troll post, i don't take these things seriously.



Interesting detail about "the customer is always right." That saying was never meant to apply to individual customers, but customers as a whole, and in the context of stock.


It doesn't matter if you personally hate pickles, you should still stock them because customers will want to buy them. The customer base is always right.



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Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 Start smiling more: BITE ME! I'll smile when I DAMN WELL FEEL LIKE IT!

Start helping more: Mind your OWN business. And dont be a lazy prick. Maybe look for the item also, BEFORE  asking us.

Customer is ALWAYS right: Oh, why dont you **** OFF?


How about NO?!?




I am a good employee, I always try to help but if I stopped to help every customer the way they want us to, I'd never get anything done. So what I do is I tell them exactly where to find it (I mean right down to what level it's on and what side of what isle) , I only show them if they say they have been down said isle and couldn't find it. 


The issue is the company and our managers treat us like crap and it's hard to be chipper and whatever in the face of that 



I thought this was a kroger employee forum, not an entitled kroger customer forum?  The op sounds like one of those overly entitled customers I deal with frequently, the kind who find every single little fault in employees and belittle them just to make themselves feel better.  I don't talk to ANY customers anymore because of people like you!  Go find a hobby or something.  We don't exist to act as your punching bag. 



mega-kitteh wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 Start smiling more: BITE ME! I'll smile when I DAMN WELL FEEL LIKE IT!

Start helping more: Mind your OWN business. And dont be a lazy prick. Maybe look for the item also, BEFORE  asking us.

Customer is ALWAYS right: Oh, why dont you **** OFF?

 Such hostility! You poor bastard....only thing worse than watching you miserably flail around now is knowing you'll still be doing it when you're OLD no



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Anonymous wrote:
mega-kitteh wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 Start smiling more: BITE ME! I'll smile when I DAMN WELL FEEL LIKE IT!

Start helping more: Mind your OWN business. And dont be a lazy prick. Maybe look for the item also, BEFORE  asking us.

Customer is ALWAYS right: Oh, why dont you **** OFF?

 Such hostility! You poor bastard....only thing worse than watching you miserably flail around now is knowing you'll still be doing it when you're OLD no

 Not really. Im generally a nice person unless someone like the OP tells me how to do my job. A majority of the customers like me, management likes me.

Its when someone TRIES to tell me how to do my job, that ill deliberatly dig my heels in just to p*ss them off. Anf my post was directed to the not so high and mighty OP


How about NO?!?



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How i will act, and hope you will too.

Wow, I could not be more excited to start working more frequently. I was recently hired on and I am ready to start working hard! I really wish there wasn't so many negative comments....It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I obviously can't (And won't) change peoples attitude, but I can make sure mine is in check. Basically, all I have to say is: It doesn't matter if it's a good job or a bad job, if you do "your" job to the best of your ability then it will show!


RE: Value me!

Anonymous wrote:

!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 No, not true at all.

When you curse at employees, you are wrong.

When you claim store policies (usually checks and coupons) don't apply to you,you are wrong.

When you try to use the names of management not on hand to bully employees, you are wrong.

For that matter, any time you try to bully employees or other customers, you are wrong.

Always is such a loaded word, use it with care.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 No, not true at all.

When you curse at employees, you are wrong.

When you claim store policies (usually checks and coupons) don't apply to you,you are wrong.

When you try to use the names of management not on hand to bully employees, you are wrong.

For that matter, any time you try to bully employees or other customers, you are wrong.

Always is such a loaded word, use it with care.

 Yes the customer is always right even when theyre wrong. Just stfu and do your job!!! Kissing the customers ass and being at their beck and call is the job of you lazy associates!



If these are actual customers posting this garbage well you're in for a rude awakening. Find your own items yourselves and you have the nerve to call us lazy?? That's rich coming from probably some one who is a disgusting fat body!



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The OP is probably just a TROLL trying to stir the pot and have some fun with those who read this forum!   It wouldn't surprise me if the OP is actually someone who works at Kroger and is "playing the part" of an obnoxious customer.  CHILL, people!  He/she will go away after a while.  


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I value all customers! Don't hesitate to complain to management. Don't wait until you get home and call. As soon as you are having issues ask for management. Get it taken care of before you leave. 'Customers come first' Without customers we have no job. 



Kroger-Employee wrote:

The OP is probably just a TROLL trying to stir the pot and have some fun with those who read this forum!   It wouldn't surprise me if the OP is actually someone who works at Kroger and is "playing the part" of an obnoxious customer.  CHILL, people!  He/she will go away after a while.  

 A lot of the employees at the two Kroger stores are pretty rude at time. They're not trolling on that part.



Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.



MyOpinion wrote:

I value all customers! Don't hesitate to complain to management. Don't wait until you get home and call. As soon as you are having issues ask for management. Get it taken care of before you leave. 'Customers come first' Without customers we have no job. 

 I thank you for your service and kind words. All associates who are worthless could learn a lot from you.



I really wish people that have never worked in retail would refrain from commenting on how we should act.  I believe I can speak for all employees that when we first starting working, we tried to be friendly, smile and do anything to help the customer.  But until you work in retail, you don't realize how we are constantly treated by customers.  You think we are rude to you, that doesn't even compare to how customers treat us.  Customers think they are entitled brats that think we owe it to them.  I can't control that the manufacturer isn't able to produce enough of the product you want to fill the shelf.  I have no control over products getting discontinued.  I don't change the locations of items.  Customers need to stop taking everything out on us, then maybe they would see a change in our attitudes towards them.


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OP is a troll. Compensating for being treated like sh*t by both customers and management. There is nothing he can do about it, so he comes here to pass his frustration onto others. That's what happens when you don't learn coping skills while young. Maybe you should go work somewhere else, OP. You obviously can't handle this job.



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Posts: 2634

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.

 I understand about putting ice cream back to the correct place because obviously YOU dont know what hot and cold is.

As for my Kroger member card? You forget yours? You can FORGET about using mine. I WILL NOT use MY card for ANYONE but ME. 


How about NO?!?



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Posts: 322

mega-kitteh wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.

 I understand about putting ice cream back to the correct place because obviously YOU dont know what hot and cold is.

As for my Kroger member card? You forget yours? You can FORGET about using mine. I WILL NOT use MY card for ANYONE but ME. 

 Exactly why there is a policy in my division, if an employee uses theirs on a customer transaction, grounds for write up. It is against corpo policy, so we don't. I ain't losing my job



Status: Offline
Posts: 711

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.


Your sentence "Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine"  reveals everything I needed to know about you.  You have NO consideration for the fact that the ice cream may be there for some considerable period of time before an employee notices it / has time to return it quickly to it's proper place in the frozen department. An employee may already be stressed out, running behind, trying to get several things done at once, without another wrench being thrown in the works.

IF you are a Kroger employee and are pretending to be a customer just to "have fun" on this forum, you must have a really boring life.  Find another hobby.   IF you are a real customer and really truly seriously think this way (i.e. Leaving the ice cream in the bread isle is fine with you) you may need to re-think your priorities and your (insufficient) sense of decency and kindness. 

Perhaps get a job in retail and find out for yourself how thoughtless, rude, and/or cold-hearted some customers can be to store employees. 

And if that theoretical package of ice cream thaws out too much, and has to be scanned out as Damaged, that just means more  "Shrink"......... and higher prices (in the long run) for customers. 





mega-kitteh wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.

 I understand about putting ice cream back to the correct place because obviously YOU dont know what hot and cold is.

As for my Kroger member card? You forget yours? You can FORGET about using mine. I WILL NOT use MY card for ANYONE but ME. 

 You're obligated to though.



Kroger-Employee wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.


Your sentence "Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine"  reveals everything I needed to know about you.  You have NO consideration for the fact that the ice cream may be there for some considerable period of time before an employee notices it / has time to return it quickly to it's proper place in the frozen department. An employee may already be stressed out, running behind, trying to get several things done at once, without another wrench being thrown in the works.

IF you are a Kroger employee and are pretending to be a customer just to "have fun" on this forum, you must have a really boring life.  Find another hobby.   IF you are a real customer and really truly seriously think this way (i.e. Leaving the ice cream in the bread isle is fine with you) you may need to re-think your priorities and your (insufficient) sense of decency and kindness. 

Perhaps get a job in retail and find out for yourself how thoughtless, rude, and/or cold-hearted some customers can be to store employees. 

And if that theoretical package of ice cream thaws out too much, and has to be scanned out as Damaged, that just means more  "Shrink"......... and higher prices (in the long run) for customers. 



 I actually have a REAL paying job. Customers aren't really the problem... it's associates such as yourself who are the problem. With that attitude it's no wonder why customers treat you the way they do. Leaving items like meat in the frozen section eggs or cheese in the produce section detergent in dairy is all fine. Some one will put it back eventually. Prices won't ever increase at Kroger not if they want to be run into the ground by amazon.



Anonymous wrote:
Kroger-Employee wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.


Your sentence "Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine"  reveals everything I needed to know about you.  You have NO consideration for the fact that the ice cream may be there for some considerable period of time before an employee notices it / has time to return it quickly to it's proper place in the frozen department. An employee may already be stressed out, running behind, trying to get several things done at once, without another wrench being thrown in the works.

IF you are a Kroger employee and are pretending to be a customer just to "have fun" on this forum, you must have a really boring life.  Find another hobby.   IF you are a real customer and really truly seriously think this way (i.e. Leaving the ice cream in the bread isle is fine with you) you may need to re-think your priorities and your (insufficient) sense of decency and kindness. 

Perhaps get a job in retail and find out for yourself how thoughtless, rude, and/or cold-hearted some customers can be to store employees. 

And if that theoretical package of ice cream thaws out too much, and has to be scanned out as Damaged, that just means more  "Shrink"......... and higher prices (in the long run) for customers. 



 I actually have a REAL paying job. Customers aren't really the problem... it's associates such as yourself who are the problem. With that attitude it's no wonder why customers treat you the way they do. Leaving items like meat in the frozen section eggs or cheese in the produce section detergent in dairy is all fine. Some one will put it back eventually. Prices won't ever increase at Kroger not if they want to be run into the ground by amazon.

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Kroger-Employee wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.


Your sentence "Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine"  reveals everything I needed to know about you.  You have NO consideration for the fact that the ice cream may be there for some considerable period of time before an employee notices it / has time to return it quickly to it's proper place in the frozen department. An employee may already be stressed out, running behind, trying to get several things done at once, without another wrench being thrown in the works.

IF you are a Kroger employee and are pretending to be a customer just to "have fun" on this forum, you must have a really boring life.  Find another hobby.   IF you are a real customer and really truly seriously think this way (i.e. Leaving the ice cream in the bread isle is fine with you) you may need to re-think your priorities and your (insufficient) sense of decency and kindness. 

Perhaps get a job in retail and find out for yourself how thoughtless, rude, and/or cold-hearted some customers can be to store employees. 

And if that theoretical package of ice cream thaws out too much, and has to be scanned out as Damaged, that just means more  "Shrink"......... and higher prices (in the long run) for customers. 



 I actually have a REAL paying job. Customers aren't really the problem... it's associates such as yourself who are the problem. With that attitude it's no wonder why customers treat you the way they do. Leaving items like meat in the frozen section eggs or cheese in the produce section detergent in dairy is all fine. Some one will put it back eventually. Prices won't ever increase at Kroger not if they want to be run into the ground by amazon.

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.

 Most of the gibberish you wrote doesn't happen. I'll make it clear for you as well! employees main job is to satisfy the customer 100%! That's first and foremost above all. Without us you wouldn't earn your small paycheck. We make it possible. So when a customer asks you do your part and ask how high. Ice cream meat chicken eggs whatever is fine when it's left in other isles like say the chip isle. Kroger gets credit for it. This morning me and a friend went shopping and she didn't want the sushi she had so I told her just to set it here (on northwest cherries). Since these cherries are being advertised some one will eventually see the sushi and put it back. 



Status: Offline
Posts: 711

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.

 Most of the gibberish you wrote doesn't happen. I'll make it clear for you as well! employees main job is to satisfy the customer 100%! That's first and foremost above all. Without us you wouldn't earn your small paycheck. We make it possible. So when a customer asks you do your part and ask how high. Ice cream meat chicken eggs whatever is fine when it's left in other isles like say the chip isle. Kroger gets credit for it. This morning me and a friend went shopping and she didn't want the sushi she had so I told her just to set it here (on northwest cherries). Since these cherries are being advertised some one will eventually see the sushi and put it back. 


I think this all comes down to one very basic theme:  Decency.   Sure, our job as employees is to please the customer. We know that.  Nothing new there.  However, on top of that basic idea is the fact that some people inherently have no decency.

What do I mean by decency?  Kindness.  Understanding.  Compassion.  Unselfishness.  Caring.  Respect. Thoughtfulness. A willingness to make other people's lives just a teensy bit better in some very minor way. A feeling for other human beings here on earth and realizing we all have our own set of problems and heartaches, many of which may not be known or obvious to others around us.  

Your posts show a general aura of nastiness or "unkindness" to your fellow man. (and I mean both men and woman by "fellow man").   Maybe you will have a change of heart some day.  Some people finally learn, but by that time they are old, broken down "wrecks", forsaken by family and friends who have had enough of their negative outlook and their lifelong "me, me, me!, everything is about me and my selfish wants and needs" thought process.

PS. Please keep in mind that we employees (in almost all cases) are ALSO, to some extent, customers of Kroger. I've shopped at Kroger for many years before working here, and so have many others.  So we can also look through the eyes of customers because we are customers also. 




Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Kroger-Employee wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.


Your sentence "Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine"  reveals everything I needed to know about you.  You have NO consideration for the fact that the ice cream may be there for some considerable period of time before an employee notices it / has time to return it quickly to it's proper place in the frozen department. An employee may already be stressed out, running behind, trying to get several things done at once, without another wrench being thrown in the works.

IF you are a Kroger employee and are pretending to be a customer just to "have fun" on this forum, you must have a really boring life.  Find another hobby.   IF you are a real customer and really truly seriously think this way (i.e. Leaving the ice cream in the bread isle is fine with you) you may need to re-think your priorities and your (insufficient) sense of decency and kindness. 

Perhaps get a job in retail and find out for yourself how thoughtless, rude, and/or cold-hearted some customers can be to store employees. 

And if that theoretical package of ice cream thaws out too much, and has to be scanned out as Damaged, that just means more  "Shrink"......... and higher prices (in the long run) for customers. 



 I actually have a REAL paying job. Customers aren't really the problem... it's associates such as yourself who are the problem. With that attitude it's no wonder why customers treat you the way they do. Leaving items like meat in the frozen section eggs or cheese in the produce section detergent in dairy is all fine. Some one will put it back eventually. Prices won't ever increase at Kroger not if they want to be run into the ground by amazon.

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.

 Most of the gibberish you wrote doesn't happen. I'll make it clear for you as well! employees main job is to satisfy the customer 100%! That's first and foremost above all. Without us you wouldn't earn your small paycheck. We make it possible. So when a customer asks you do your part and ask how high. Ice cream meat chicken eggs whatever is fine when it's left in other isles like say the chip isle. Kroger gets credit for it. This morning me and a friend went shopping and she didn't want the sushi she had so I told her just to set it here (on northwest cherries). Since these cherries are being advertised some one will eventually see the sushi and put it back. 

 Well at least I can say I tried to educate you!  Now I don't feel so bad for ignoring all customers anymore...most are just like you, expecting me to kiss their ass just for existing at all.  Thank you for verifying that you all are not worth my time.  I'll just continue to do my actual job like I usually do. 



Kroger-Employee wrote:

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.

 Most of the gibberish you wrote doesn't happen. I'll make it clear for you as well! employees main job is to satisfy the customer 100%! That's first and foremost above all. Without us you wouldn't earn your small paycheck. We make it possible. So when a customer asks you do your part and ask how high. Ice cream meat chicken eggs whatever is fine when it's left in other isles like say the chip isle. Kroger gets credit for it. This morning me and a friend went shopping and she didn't want the sushi she had so I told her just to set it here (on northwest cherries). Since these cherries are being advertised some one will eventually see the sushi and put it back. 


I think this all comes down to one very basic theme:  Decency.   Sure, our job as employees is to please the customer. We know that.  Nothing new there.  However, on top of that basic idea is the fact that some people inherently have no decency.

What do I mean by decency?  Kindness.  Understanding.  Compassion.  Unselfishness.  Caring.  Respect. Thoughtfulness. A willingness to make other people's lives just a teensy bit better in some very minor way. A feeling for other human beings here on earth and realizing we all have our own set of problems and heartaches, many of which may not be known or obvious to others around us.  

Your posts show a general aura of nastiness or "unkindness" to your fellow man. (and I mean both men and woman by "fellow man").   Maybe you will have a change of heart some day.  Some people finally learn, but by that time they are old, broken down "wrecks", forsaken by family and friends who have had enough of their negative outlook and their lifelong "me, me, me!, everything is about me and my selfish wants and needs" thought process.

PS. Please keep in mind that we employees (in almost all cases) are ALSO, to some extent, customers of Kroger. I've shopped at Kroger for many years before working here, and so have many others.  So we can also look through the eyes of customers because we are customers also. 


 Thank you for making that point!  Something I forgot about in my previous post.  Sometimes I wonder if anyone has any decency anymore.  You wouldn't think so by how the customers at my store act!  And it's not just a's a good portion of them.  They will come into our backroom/breakroom just to yell at us.



Anonymous wrote:
Kroger-Employee wrote:

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.

 Most of the gibberish you wrote doesn't happen. I'll make it clear for you as well! employees main job is to satisfy the customer 100%! That's first and foremost above all. Without us you wouldn't earn your small paycheck. We make it possible. So when a customer asks you do your part and ask how high. Ice cream meat chicken eggs whatever is fine when it's left in other isles like say the chip isle. Kroger gets credit for it. This morning me and a friend went shopping and she didn't want the sushi she had so I told her just to set it here (on northwest cherries). Since these cherries are being advertised some one will eventually see the sushi and put it back. 


I think this all comes down to one very basic theme:  Decency.   Sure, our job as employees is to please the customer. We know that.  Nothing new there.  However, on top of that basic idea is the fact that some people inherently have no decency.

What do I mean by decency?  Kindness.  Understanding.  Compassion.  Unselfishness.  Caring.  Respect. Thoughtfulness. A willingness to make other people's lives just a teensy bit better in some very minor way. A feeling for other human beings here on earth and realizing we all have our own set of problems and heartaches, many of which may not be known or obvious to others around us.  

Your posts show a general aura of nastiness or "unkindness" to your fellow man. (and I mean both men and woman by "fellow man").   Maybe you will have a change of heart some day.  Some people finally learn, but by that time they are old, broken down "wrecks", forsaken by family and friends who have had enough of their negative outlook and their lifelong "me, me, me!, everything is about me and my selfish wants and needs" thought process.

PS. Please keep in mind that we employees (in almost all cases) are ALSO, to some extent, customers of Kroger. I've shopped at Kroger for many years before working here, and so have many others.  So we can also look through the eyes of customers because we are customers also. 


 Thank you for making that point!  Something I forgot about in my previous post.  Sometimes I wonder if anyone has any decency anymore.  You wouldn't think so by how the customers at my store act!  And it's not just a's a good portion of them.  They will come into our backroom/breakroom just to yell at us.

 Hiding in the break room won't save you. Customers do have a right to go in and question you about items in the store still. it's a paid break I'm sure so you're still on kroger time to answer the call of customers.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Kroger-Employee wrote:

 You have got to be the most ignorant entitled prick I have ever seen.  it's time to learn some basic common sense then.  Let me break this down for you step-by-step as simply as possible so your little mind can compute:

1. Customers/employees leaving cold items in a warm area is not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss

2. Customers who harass or belittle employees are not acceptable - this leads to employees not caring about work, quitting, inability to hire good workers, etc.

3. Customers who try to get around Kroger's policies are not acceptable - this leads to higher prices due to Kroger's money loss and stricter policies from corporate (Ex: extreme couponers and customers trying to get management to give them free stuff via "Make It Right" by complaining until someone gives it to them)

4. Customers who expect Kroger to be like a high-end catering service.  ELMS doesn't give Kroger employees enough hours to spend several minutes with customers (Ex: asking employees to do their shopping for them when they are perfectly capable doing it themselves, asking employees to show them where every single item on their list is in the store)

5. Theft of any kind by anyone - This includes what Kroger calls "grazing" (Ex: eating cherries in the store usually leaving cherry pits all over the place without paying or giving something like a cheese stick to your child without saving the wrapper or telling the cashier about it)

6. Customers/employees who are blatantly rude (Ex: pinning an employee down in an aisle with your cart so you can get by them, yelling at employees who are trying to help you, threatening to harm an employee just because you didn't get your way)

I think that's enough for now.

 Most of the gibberish you wrote doesn't happen. I'll make it clear for you as well! employees main job is to satisfy the customer 100%! That's first and foremost above all. Without us you wouldn't earn your small paycheck. We make it possible. So when a customer asks you do your part and ask how high. Ice cream meat chicken eggs whatever is fine when it's left in other isles like say the chip isle. Kroger gets credit for it. This morning me and a friend went shopping and she didn't want the sushi she had so I told her just to set it here (on northwest cherries). Since these cherries are being advertised some one will eventually see the sushi and put it back. 


I think this all comes down to one very basic theme:  Decency.   Sure, our job as employees is to please the customer. We know that.  Nothing new there.  However, on top of that basic idea is the fact that some people inherently have no decency.

What do I mean by decency?  Kindness.  Understanding.  Compassion.  Unselfishness.  Caring.  Respect. Thoughtfulness. A willingness to make other people's lives just a teensy bit better in some very minor way. A feeling for other human beings here on earth and realizing we all have our own set of problems and heartaches, many of which may not be known or obvious to others around us.  

Your posts show a general aura of nastiness or "unkindness" to your fellow man. (and I mean both men and woman by "fellow man").   Maybe you will have a change of heart some day.  Some people finally learn, but by that time they are old, broken down "wrecks", forsaken by family and friends who have had enough of their negative outlook and their lifelong "me, me, me!, everything is about me and my selfish wants and needs" thought process.

PS. Please keep in mind that we employees (in almost all cases) are ALSO, to some extent, customers of Kroger. I've shopped at Kroger for many years before working here, and so have many others.  So we can also look through the eyes of customers because we are customers also. 


 Thank you for making that point!  Something I forgot about in my previous post.  Sometimes I wonder if anyone has any decency anymore.  You wouldn't think so by how the customers at my store act!  And it's not just a's a good portion of them.  They will come into our backroom/breakroom just to yell at us.

 Hiding in the break room won't save you. Customers do have a right to go in and question you about items in the store still. it's a paid break I'm sure so you're still on kroger time to answer the call of customers.

 Actually, they don't.  It's against the law.



Status: Offline
Posts: 2634

Anonymous wrote:
mega-kitteh wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

You associates can be lazy at times.... You all need to remember I make your paycheck a reality! Start smiling more! helping more!! and know where the item ASK FOR IS located in YOUR STORE!! Always remember the customer IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!! :)

 "Smile more" maybe dont make my job so hard then. Know what you want. Know what bag you want and dont change your mind halfway through. If I need help, then help me.Read your coupons to be sure it will work and things like that. Stop asking to use my Kroger card and get your own or stop forgetting it. It is mostly within your power to make my job easier.

"Know where the item ask for is located in your store" I dont have the time to go around memorizing the entire store, Im not a damn store manager. Plus everytime I know where something is, management moves stuff periodically.

"The customer is always right" yeah sure, you know they usually arent. The biggest lie ever told. This is what difficult people always use to make employess lives and jobs hard for no real reason. Dont do stuff like leave meat you dont want in the damn bread isle or ice cream on the shelf with the cleaning supplies. Is it right when people come in and try to scam? Is it right when people try to steal? Try to get discounts they arent supposed to have or lie about what price something is? Try to buy alcohol or tobacco with no ID and then curse me out when I card them? I dont think so.

You want to be valued? You want us to smile? Then be pleasant, friendly and dont intentionally make things hard for us.

 Your job is to exceed the customers expectations to above and beyond. Leaving ice cream in the bread isle is fine.. its your job to put it back where it rightfully so goes. Scamming and stealing is of coarse not right what so ever. It is your obligation to use your Kroger card if the valued customer forgets theirs. The customer is ALWAYS right! The sooner you except that the sooner your life will be happier and have meaning.

 I understand about putting ice cream back to the correct place because obviously YOU dont know what hot and cold is.

As for my Kroger member card? You forget yours? You can FORGET about using mine. I WILL NOT use MY card for ANYONE but ME. 

 You're obligated to though.

 Then how is it that i NEVER use my kroger card for ANY reason other than for MY personal use? 


How about NO?!?


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