Yesterday I sat in for an all day test screening for a state job (I'm in Il., and if you land a state gov. job here, it's like a winning lottery ticket).
The first test was a written TABE; it was simply the reading comprehension part----no math or science. 12th grade level, a n y one should be able to smoke that, right...? Wrong. From an original 75 applicants, only 32 passed the test. These were a mixture of society, an even split of male-female, ages ranging between 20--50, with the mean average being 32. So it wasn't like it was just a bunch of dumb kids in there.
Folks, here's my point: This country is in scary fkin shape if a cross section of the average American citizen fails a simple aptitude test in such overwhelming numbers (60%). If you're wanting to better yourself by getting a state job, or go on to college or a tech program or whatever, brush up on some basic education.. I mean....
The future of this country is depending on you!!!!!!!!