every Kroger everywhere is in the need of help. the question is, are they going to do anything about it? There are hours out there but they are not hiring anyone. In my store, almost all departments, (except Clicklist) go every week not using all of our hours. Our deli doesn't use 100 hours. I haven't had a Kithenplace lead for over 7 months. This time a year, that's a big deal. It's the busiest time of year for the kitchen department. We lose 20-30 hours a week on a normal week. Not to mention if we get extra hours for anything specific, like the promo aisle changeover after Christmas. I will probably lose over 100 hours because i don't have the bodies to fill them and Kroger doesn't care. That's why i just go in do my 40 hours and go home now. It's not worth stressing
They're so desperate for help, they'll hire anyone. Just work for however long you want to work then quit. You'll make more going to Target or Amazon though.
every Kroger everywhere is in the need of help. the question is, are they going to do anything about it? There are hours out there but they are not hiring anyone. In my store, almost all departments, (except Clicklist) go every week not using all of our hours. Our deli doesn't use 100 hours. I haven't had a Kithenplace lead for over 7 months. This time a year, that's a big deal. It's the busiest time of year for the kitchen department. We lose 20-30 hours a week on a normal week. Not to mention if we get extra hours for anything specific, like the promo aisle changeover after Christmas. I will probably lose over 100 hours because i don't have the bodies to fill them and Kroger doesn't care. That's why i just go in do my 40 hours and go home now. It's not worth stressing
Good plan. Bad company. Don't even visit the web site where they take applications. It would be like interacting with any other untrustworthy organization like ISIS or the worst biker gang you ever heard of. Don't shop there, either, if you have any options.
There's no good looking coworkers. ****ing seriously? Minimum wage, hardcore stress (arguably the worst American corporation to work for), smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse take a hell of a toll on employees. Just mentioning that means this is probably a troll thread.
Anyways, seasonal help seems like the kind of thing that would be a good idea. Unfortunately, that's not the way Kroger works. If anything, management bonuses depends on cutting hours.
Onboarding at Kroger takes at about a month. So, you are a whole month behind. January? It's ...not a particularly busy month.
Amazon has been mandatory overtime since last month. There you go.
If you give your two weeks notice, you will be readily rehireable. If you just walk out the door and don't come back, you will be marked un-rehireable, although if they really really like you they will let you come back.