I had to do a WBL today (along with several other people) about store security. In the section about computer security it said to be careful on social media that we did not give out store confidential info plus several other items. I feel that as long as you don't ID yourself say on Facebook that you work at Kroger, what you post *on your own time off the clock and away from the store* is none of Kroger's business. I don't ID myself on FB as being associated with Kroger and this forum is the only Kroger-related site I visit (because I can be candid and remain anonymous.) Have any of you (who do not ID Kroger on your various forms of social media) got into trouble with what you posted and if so how did you resolve it (besides why would Kroger be cruising the internet looking for what we post anywhay?!?)
Original poster here: I don't identify myself on FB being from Kroger. In fact there is no mention of Kroger at all. What I am wondering about is can Kroger research your social media posts even though Kroger is never mentioned and give you a hard time about it according to their policies?