I know we signed some form that said well be terminated if we work at a competitor while youre a Kroger employee. Im just curious if they would actually find out or not. Its several hours away so no coworker or member of management would see me. Im just wanting the extra cash since well probably be online or have limited in person classes.
I know we signed some form that said well be terminated if we work at a competitor while youre a Kroger employee. Im just curious if they would actually find out or not. Its several hours away so no coworker or member of management would see me. Im just wanting the extra cash since well probably be online or have limited in person classes.
If you don't want them to know anything, don't say anything to anybody. That means not just at your Kroger job, but at your Publix job too.
Its several hours away so no coworker or member of management would see me.
I wouldn't count on that. One time I went to a Kroger far from where I live. I walked through the doors and someone immediately, within seconds of me going inside, called my name. Apparently someone from my store transferred over there and recognized me immediately. It's unlikely, but possible.
Someone WILL find out eventually. EVEN IF you keep it quiet and EVEN IF your Publix schedule happens to fit in with your Kroger. Someone may pop in to shop there on your off day from Kroger and if they see you, they may make mention of it to Kroger management. Especially if they dislike you.
Someone WILL find out eventually. EVEN IF you keep it quiet and EVEN IF your Publix schedule happens to fit in with your Kroger. Someone may pop in to shop there on your off day from Kroger and if they see you, they may make mention of it to Kroger management. Especially if they dislike you.
The OP did mention that the Publix store was several hours away. So the chances of running into a Kroger employee are slim to none.
Is there anything in the School Leave paperwork indicating you cant work at other grocery retailers? Technically, if there are not company stores around the Public's your not working at a direct competitor in that area. I would say, just don't be stupid and tell people about what job you had while away at college. Public's also may not allow you to work for them, if they for some reason contact Kroger, you would be indicated as a "Active-On Leave" associate.
Kroger makes you sign a non-compete to work ...a minimum wage/manual labor grocery store job?!
It's not a joke. you do have a non-compete. I've seen Kroger people work at COSTCO and Target before but they were doing different things for those companies than they do for Kroger.