I heard from a source who would know that they believe that Kroger isnt building anymore marketplace stores. He would know. He says thier isnt any on the books in the Atlanta division. Has anyone else heard this?
They are still building Marketplace store, but the definition of Marketplace stores should be changed. In reality, Marketplace stores are just bigger stores with a few aisle of GM items. I agree, is seems the company is horrible at expanded GM and Clothing items. While the DIP concept is nice and I have purchased items, I'm sure sales dipped. In reality, I don't understand how Marketplace GM areas haven't been revisited, I huge amount of $$$ is being lost in sales/profit.
Not sure but they're cutting manager positions through out the store. It's obvious they want to go down to 2 maybe 3 managers and that's it. That's 1st, 2nd 3rd manager. Department managers will eventually be no more in the long run. They'll just be clerks. They're pissed but what do you expect in a dying industry?