how true is this?,,SSL+Leave_Options_FINAL+4.3.2020.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=n5frj.B
It's a fairly simple process (much like yourself).
First, you get a medical diagnosis of the Rona or a self quarantine order, or some combination thereof.
Then the store loses it. Repeatedly. A few times at first and and then every time since that's what it takes.
Then you get fired for it.
After that, you talk to your lawyer cousin, you get crossfaded togeher, and then things get weird. WEIRD.
Real weird. Really weird. Weird, and intimate, and that's a terrible place to be. Master of five magics. And that's really weird. But then he backs off because things didn't get like that. Nope.
And then you got a whole two pounds of vaselione. Dang.
Personally,. Im more of a coconut oiul kind of guy.
But you can probabkly get a better laywer than i did lol