This afternoon our FES handed out these tiny "Certified Friendly" buttons-about the size of a dime and read us individually a statement about smiling, being friendly the usual Kroger BS. I said my standard answer that "I own my face and my smile." She slinked away. I am wearing my button upside down, and tomorrow, OOPS! it must have fallen off my apron <snort>
These "programs" are a joke, can you at least have a training class, video or something. There are some area you have to call out to make customer give you credit, but I'm not sure I would say Friendly is something customer experience in the majority of stores.
RE: Did your store get those stupid "Certified Friendly" tiny buttons? Even more Kroger BS
Customer: Can you help me find... Employee: GET LOST BUB! Customer: But your pin says Certified Friendly... Employee: oh... I am if you want me to be ;) Customer: Ooooookay *walks away* Employee: Good Riddance!