This thing has become a communist control mechanism of nightmarish proportions, and when you sign your name and full identity into the national data base for it, you're now part of the whole quantification process. Uh uh. I'm staying off the grid.
If you're deadly sick, and you'll know if that's happening, you'll go to a hospital. If you're not, you'll stay home, push fluids, get rest, and take care of yourself. That's it. That's exactly what medical staff will tell you to do as they discharge you or refuse you admission to a hospital.
Right now I have an aunt, uncle, and their daughter---ages mid 60s to late 30s---all recovering from covid. They say it's no worse than a bad case of mono. The world is full of people just like this, but all we hear about are the horror stories, and that's why people are willing to be forced into this new communistic government.
The issue isn't getting COVID, its what it causes to your system. It seems not enough stress is being placed on Hospital medical care. Getting COVID may be fine, but if you become deadly ill from it, there may not be Hospital space for you. Hospitals do not have enough spaces for a major national heath crisis.
And the way this thing has been handled, what with all the numbers including everything form AIDS to arthritis to gout to a broken ankle being dumped into the same bucket as covid results, I ain't gettin my ID mixed in with those statistics. I'll take my chances.
And as far as 'already might have it and not know'? Yea. Many of us may well have already had and beat it from late last year. Remember that nasty flu bug making the rounds that people couldn't hardly shake......right before covid dropped?
Make an appointment to sit in a car waiting for 3 hours ($50) then self isolate until the test comes back? Then if positive I trust Kroger to pay me while I'm out quarantined?
Glad to get tested but this whole thing sucks. Lag time on notifying us that we have been exposed at work is just under a week.