Customers: The customer service desk is for returns, lotto, tobacco/liquor sales, money orders and <15 items.
Please stop thinking customer service is a full register and please for the love of god stop brining up larger than 15 item orders to customer service desk. The register is set up for small orders if even that. Ergonomically it is a horrid register to work at and last thing we need contributing tour checker wrist/shoulder is you people trying to bring $100+ dollar orders to this area. Especially when the closed sign is up.
When you people do this we have to refuse service to large orders and send you back to the registers. Then you get pis-sy as hell over the negligence. When we do try to go out of our way to help you; you people abandon the fu-cken cart in front of our kiosk thus making it impossible to access for the other customers that truly need it. We have to exit through a door, move the damn cart out of the way; renter the door with a pin or card slide. This is asinine when you people are shi-t heads and abandon your carts in front of the fu-cken kiosk.
Customers: The customer service desk is for returns, lotto, tobacco/liquor sales, money orders and <15 items.
Please stop thinking customer service is a full register and please for the love of god stop brining up larger than 15 item orders to customer service desk. The register is set up for small orders if even that. Ergonomically it is a horrid register to work at and last thing we need contributing tour checker wrist/shoulder is you people trying to bring $100+ dollar orders to this area. Especially when the closed sign is up.
When you people do this we have to refuse service to large orders and send you back to the registers. Then you get pis-sy as hell over the negligence. When we do try to go out of our way to help you; you people abandon the fu-cken cart in front of our kiosk thus making it impossible to access for the other customers that truly need it. We have to exit through a door, move the damn cart out of the way; renter the door with a pin or card slide. This is asinine when you people are shi-t heads and abandon your carts in front of the fu-cken kiosk.
I love just leaving a cart full of items in front of customer service. Its one sure way those lazy employees will work.
Customers: The customer service desk is for returns, lotto, tobacco/liquor sales, money orders and <15 items.
Please stop thinking customer service is a full register and please for the love of god stop brining up larger than 15 item orders to customer service desk. The register is set up for small orders if even that. Ergonomically it is a horrid register to work at and last thing we need contributing tour checker wrist/shoulder is you people trying to bring $100+ dollar orders to this area. Especially when the closed sign is up.
When you people do this we have to refuse service to large orders and send you back to the registers. Then you get pis-sy as hell over the negligence. When we do try to go out of our way to help you; you people abandon the fu-cken cart in front of our kiosk thus making it impossible to access for the other customers that truly need it. We have to exit through a door, move the damn cart out of the way; renter the door with a pin or card slide. This is asinine when you people are shi-t heads and abandon your carts in front of the fu-cken kiosk.
I love just leaving a cart full of items in front of customer service. Its one sure way those lazy employees will work.
Wouldnt work at my store. They just walk around it or move it out of the way.
Customers: The customer service desk is for returns, lotto, tobacco/liquor sales, money orders and <15 items.
Please stop thinking customer service is a full register and please for the love of god stop brining up larger than 15 item orders to customer service desk.
I have never seen any customer in all of my 30+ years try to go to the customer service desk with any size order. If it's true, it must be a regional thing.