Who came up with this? It's terrible. Video blocks everything and no more info than normal. They pay a kid for this. Pay me more than the crap wage that won't even pay for food kroger sucks
Who came up with this? It's terrible. Video blocks everything and no more info than normal. They pay a kid for this. Pay me more than the crap wage that won't even pay for food kroger sucks
If yall actually did work like you know stick shelves and know where items are then maybe yall would. But since playin go fartnite and texting and instagram is more important this is the pay yall are worth. Be lucky and grateful you even get what youre getting. if anything kroger pays a little too much
My favorite part of MyInfo is the "resign from kroger" button. I can now point that out to sassy coworkers that don't like the job.
The troll must be right. With all the call ins, kroger must pay too much.
Well bastard, people call in cause the job sucks and they dont really care anymore. Kroger doesnt pay any where near enough especially to those poor CCs
My favorite part of MyInfo is the "resign from kroger" button. I can now point that out to sassy coworkers that don't like the job.
The troll must be right. With all the call ins, kroger must pay too much.
Well bastard, people call in cause the job sucks and they dont really care anymore. Kroger doesnt pay any where near enough especially to those poor CCs
lol, That is why they should try out the "resign" button. I need a volunteer to click it. Are you asked "Are you sure you want to exit this employer?" or is the next screen, "Bye!"?
CC is a character building job. Not meant to go anywhere except give kids some pocket money so they can learn how to use money. The best and brightest will strive to move up to another pay scale or department. The really smart ones will do well in school and find a much better career path.
Who came up with this? It's terrible. Video blocks everything and no more info than normal. They pay a kid for this. Pay me more than the crap wage that won't even pay for food kroger sucks
Is there any trick to make that video go away permanently? I've never been able to get it to load. It just shows the ring going around and around for hours on end. Sometimes I can drag the playback slider to the end and click on NEXT and the page becomes useable, but if you ask me, it's a pretty rotten thing for them to make it impossible for you to use the website without watching the video first.