Front-End PIC discriminates an employee because of what she was told to do. She said can't belieave anyone who is not straight. Also Front-End Pic mention, she is an lesson to be learned from.
This is when 1 employee complainted about an employee not doing much duties on a 8 hour shift and Front-End PIC was slandering.
A lot of this behavior comes from upper management micro managing them. I've seen it before at many a store and offices I've worked at. They enforce some ridiculous rules or are told to do their damn job (so to put it) so they go over bored on enforcing it. A lot of it also boils down to how good is your team. Your team can make your position shine or suck. Your lead is handling this unprofessionally. I'd suggest filing an ethics report (as listed in my post earlier) and a union grievance for harassment. Harassment can be in many forms. Kroger has a zero tolerance towards this.
I worked at a store once where the lead discriminated against gblt group(s)/individuals and they got a write up for the intolerance. I'm a straight 40+ yr old but because I chose never to marry and I'm not social enough people thought I was gay and I'm not. Some how people just assume I'm part of this group and I'm not. So I started getting discriminated against when the lead hated this group. An ethics report ended it.
Yeah, do that "ETHICS REPORT" stuff and call the union.
The union is too high on fent to pick up the phone and nothing will probably will happen. You might have to just get a better job at Walmart or McDonald's or something. You might even have to leverage that experience pay.
But... something might happen. If you're lucky. Corporate and union retards have to justify their employment. Eventually. Sometimes. Maybe. But only if they aren't related to someone important.
It's worth a dice roll.
Worst case scenario is that flipping burgers results in more money and a regular schedule. Probably should have applied there instead of Kroger, honestly.
File an ethics report. This is against company policy to even allow it. Kroger has a zero tolerance towards this type of thing.
I had a few questionable racist incidences with select coworkers (isolated cases) and this ended that b.s.
It goes to like District hr if investigation gets up there or maybe an level just below district hr. Pretty much nothing is done unless it's coming form previlege background. Victims get no conflict resolution depending on who it is whether. It's an store where people get away with anything from theft to fellow co-workers to setting up complaints and bribery to customers