My area has had an issue with fake $50's and $100's lately. Be aware of this fact.
If you have an if, and or but about a bill refuse it. If you're not sure most stores have the money atms down stairs now for cashiers. Deposit into the atm and if it rejects it refuse sale. Never accept it because if the bank atm rejects it: IT IS FAKE!
We have these special pens that if you write on a fake bill, the ink turns dark. If it remains pale, the bill is legit. We've had some customers take offense and ask why we did that a d there was no reason to. Well,
1. We did it because we are testing to see if the bill is legit. Deal with it, its being done.
2. We WILL NOT loose our jobs for accepting fake currency. Any questions see number 1
We have these special pens that if you write on a fake bill, the ink turns dark. If it remains pale, the bill is legit. We've had some customers take offense and ask why we did that a d there was no reason to. Well,
1. We did it because we are testing to see if the bill is legit. Deal with it, its being done.
2. We WILL NOT loose our jobs for accepting fake currency. Any questions see number 1
3. See number 2.
What a disrespectful unruly associate. Acting like you people arent the number one cause of shrink in your own stores. Thief.
We have these special pens that if you write on a fake bill, the ink turns dark. If it remains pale, the bill is legit. We've had some customers take offense and ask why we did that a d there was no reason to. Well,
1. We did it because we are testing to see if the bill is legit. Deal with it, its being done.
2. We WILL NOT loose our jobs for accepting fake currency. Any questions see number 1
3. See number 2.
What a disrespectful unruly associate. Acting like you people arent the number one cause of shrink in your own stores. Thief.
You are correct. The thief trying to pass on fake bills causes shrink. We are trying to stop it. But thanks for letting us know thieves do this
About 4 months ago, a kid tried to pass a fake $100 bill at the fuel center when I was on shift. I was suspicious because he bought only $5 worth of candy and presented the fake bill. It felt funny....when I was on the phone to my manager, the kid took off and squealed out of our parking lot. He never came back. We had to put the fake in a separate bag along with a note telling what happened.