Local food drive event includes a$20 gift card. You can donate in person by setting foot in the store. Or scan the qr condo on the tv screen.
Don't make yourself vulnerable to malware. Bad enough people with a gift card will possibly get a loyalty card or even the app to try and make it go further.
Avoid this company and enhance your personal security today!
You would not believe how much food we toss out every day. Which could be other wise donated if kept at room temp. In my department I seem to be the only one that goes out of their way to sort donation food. My trash that I generate is actually very little because of it. Sad I'm the only one doing it. Probably because I've been in that scenario and volunteered at food banks over the years. I know people who have been in that situation where if it were not for food banks they wouldn't be able to eat.
You would not believe how much food we toss out every day. Which could be other wise donated if kept at room temp. In my department I seem to be the only one that goes out of their way to sort donation food. My trash that I generate is actually very little because of it. Sad I'm the only one doing it. Probably because I've been in that scenario and volunteered at food banks over the years. I know people who have been in that situation where if it were not for food banks they wouldn't be able to eat.