Some of the suggestions I made to our Negotiating Rep:
1. Eliminate Fresh Start-99 percent of the time it has nothing to do with the Fuel Center.
2. A more specific policy to get problem managers out of Kroger-and not just transfer them to another store where they will be someone else's problem
3. CLOSED on Easter and Thanksgiving-I said it doesn't seem to affect the profits at Publix-and closing will create a lot of goodwill in the stores
4. Address the issue of racism in the store-I transferred out of a store where it was a HUGE problem (with both co-workers and customers using the N word)
5.Apply the Kroger policies equally-our so-called "Special Needs" employees many times get a pass on issues
Most of that stuff you mentioned has nothing to do with the union contract. The contract covers things like seniority, hours, vacations, holidays, pay, health insurance, pension, discipline, and filing a grievance.
Some of the suggestions I made to our Negotiating Rep:
1. Eliminate Fresh Start-99 percent of the time it has nothing to do with the Fuel Center.
2. A more specific policy to get problem managers out of Kroger-and not just transfer them to another store where they will be someone else's problem
3. CLOSED on Easter and Thanksgiving-I said it doesn't seem to affect the profits at Publix-and closing will create a lot of goodwill in the stores
4. Address the issue of racism in the store-I transferred out of a store where it was a HUGE problem (with both co-workers and customers using the N word)
5.Apply the Kroger policies equally-our so-called "Special Needs" employees many times get a pass on issues
I agree with number 5. I've had to save our special needs employee many times from becoming a smear on the ground or a chalk outline. He speaks before he thinks and one day he's gonna get his @ss beat. Special needs or not
We had an issue with a special needs person calling another employee the "N" word. Instead of being fired, his job coach got involved and the employee was transferred to a different store.
These are the type of ignorant suggestions that obviously ignorant employees come up with every four years during contract negotiations. The only correct suggestion is better pay!!! Is having to answer 5 questions a few days a week on fresh start really the most pressing issue you have with the company? If so, you're truly living on a different planet.