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Post Info TOPIC: Fellow coworkers: If you're not going to wear a mask correctly please take it off it's insulting.

Fellow coworkers: If you're not going to wear a mask correctly please take it off it's insulting.

The controversial debate to wear masks or not. By now it's a choice. Free will choice to wear one or not. 

Please, if you're going to chin wear one or have your nose hanging out of it; just take the damn thing off. 

It is 100% inefficient if your nose is hanging out of it. Or if you're chin wearing it, take the damn thing off you look silly if you bib chin wear it. Take the damn thing off if you are not going to wear it 100% efficiently. Oh, customers if you take a mask off, lick your fingers to open up a plastic bag you also just defeated the purpose of wearing one. 

If you're going to wear a mask wear the damn thing correctly! 

Thank you. (Knowing this will fall on a lot of death ears and closed minded individuals.)



You're insulted?  Do you really think people are wearing masks "incorrectly" just to insult you?  I think there are better things to be insulted about.



The dental insurance is poor.  As am I.

I'm just trying to hide my remaining teeth.



Anonymous wrote:

The controversial debate to wear masks or not. By now it's a choice. Free will choice to wear one or not. 

Please, if you're going to chin wear one or have your nose hanging out of it; just take the damn thing off. 

It is 100% inefficient if your nose is hanging out of it. Or if you're chin wearing it, take the damn thing off you look silly if you bib chin wear it. Take the damn thing off if you are not going to wear it 100% efficiently. Oh, customers if you take a mask off, lick your fingers to open up a plastic bag you also just defeated the purpose of wearing one. 

If you're going to wear a mask wear the damn thing correctly! 

Thank you. (Knowing this will fall on a lot of death ears and closed minded individuals.)

 This makes it more satisfying that I sneeze all over product knowing full well you touch it. biggrin



People are going to wear the masks how they want. You cannot force them to wear a mask or not to wear a mask. 


If someone told me to remove my mask because it doesn't work, I can guarantee you that I WILL wear my mask 100% just to piss you off knowing you cannot do one thing about it.


And how is it insulting?



Anonymous wrote:

The dental insurance is poor.  As am I.

I'm just trying to hide my remaining teeth.

 This is very true. 30% of ASSociates alone have rotted missing teeth. i mean they cant even wash or brush their sweaty seeet smelling ass so they definitely no washing and brushing their mouths. Man ASSociates at Kroger are really just disgusting pond scum

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