That's what greed does. Oh well. Adios, auf Wiedersehen, gtfo, and fare thee not well to the greedy old bastard himself, Rodney ****in McMullen. Rejoice, fellow employees! This is a definite champagne moment!
I wonder if it has something to do with the failed merger (even though Kroger said it was not related to any business operations)-bribes maybe? It will all eventually come out
I just read MSN's article-it said it was a "violation of business ethics"-so it HAS to be company-related. Possible paying bribes in relation to the failed merger?
OK I have read a lot of the articles on this and two things stand out to me: One said it "didn't appear as if (he) had any children"-and some of the others placed emphasis on how Rodney and his wife met. He's always given off a gay vibe to me and I wonder if he admitted to his wife about some of his "personal conduct." The phrase "didn't appear" sounds strange-you either have kids or you don't. So maybe a secret love child somewhere the wife just found out about (?) OTOH if Kroger fired everyone that had affairs there would be no employees.
A recent article that just went up 3 hours ago is now referring to his "scandalous personal conduct." That is a 100 percent flip from what was being reported this morning/early afternoon
Sure. It is in the news. Maybe the new guard at the FBI told the company he was disloyal. Going soft on the grey-area racketeering, talking too much, compiling evidence, trying not to hurt people, something. Then his lord and masters hired private investigative mercenaries to find some sort of personal ethical violation. Bye-bye. No way to know, of course. Kroger will spread its own rumors about it.
Wow, I used to post here for several years, but l but haven't chimed into this site for ages - until today - since I had to hear if the employees were as happy as I was that Rodney is gone. (disclaimer - I haven't worked for Kroger since 2021).
But I was a little surprised that the first thread I look at - people are still talking about turds in microwaves, and Derek Anderson, a black man in Indy. (This thing about Derek was a nonsense post first placed here back in 2006, that has been repeated off and ondfor only 19 years ).
You guys (that are into turds, microwaves, and Derek) need to think of something FRESH to discuss!
Party store (I think it was) got a "new" ceo a year before the ceo tanked the company. Cross your fingers the next ceo for kroger isn't worse than rhodney.